
Fanzone Danny said:
Ric said:
I was at the game on Wednesday night, and every time I heard it sung it was "Who put the ball in United's net".

Seconded only heard it sang with Munich in the odd time and that was outside the ground at the pubs..

Same here
BringBackSwales said:
I could not attend on Wednesday night. I thought the City fans were great in terms of noise on Wednesday, a brilliant following, but there was one let down for me - what had been a great and funny chant against Wolves on Saturday (who put the ball in UNITED's net....half our fucking team did) became another unfunny munich chant on Wednesday night - it instantly went from being an amusing chant to just another SNIDEY munich song.

Isn't it time we stopped these munich chants once and for all? I was brought up to love CITY and hate united, always have and always will, BUT I was not brought up to sing songs about death and tragedy, and ffs it is 53 years ago, come on lads let's give it up.

I was at the swamp under Sven, and in the weeks before I was sick to frigging death of the media telling us how shit we were going to be during the Munich anniversary silence. I remember listening on Radio Manchester to that horribly snide oliver hoult telling that horribly horrible terry christian how bad we were going to be that day - and I also remember how PROUD I was at how our fans ALL respected the silence that day, and for that we got so much praise and so much respect. For every bit of pride I felt stood with my fellow fans that day I feel 10 times more sad that we still sing about the disaster today.

What does it gain us? Most normal other fans do not like it, our owners do not like it, in fact most City fans do not like it. It is not funny and nor does it inpsire the team in any way. What is worse it makes us the City fans, all of us, look like thick ignorant pricks, and we are better than that, a lot better.

We are approaching a time in our history when we are about to be better than united on the pitch. Most people would accept that we have always been better than them off the pitch - much more class, much more humour, so why denegrate it with sad chants about deaths over 50 years ago, including one of our own former great players FFS?

I will never forget an interview I saw with Bobby Robson when he was manager of Ipswich. Ipswich were regularly challenging liverpool for the title in those days, and Ipswich came to Maine Road for a game near the end of the season and were either top or second and we were in mid table with nothing to play for - from memory we won 2-1 and after the match Bobby Robson said that he could not believe the support given that we had nothing to play for and that if Ipswich got support like that they would win the league every season. There have been countless comments like that about our support over the years but never has any credible praise been received for munich chants.

Let's consign those chants to the history books and be classy off the pitch as well as on it. By all means hate united (I do) but ffs hate united, not some unfortunate air disaster. Wednesday really brought this home to me.

I agree with the sentiment of what you are saying, and thankfully so do the vast majority of blues. In fairness to the lads singing at the ground on Wednesday it was United they were singing, and I hope it stays that way from now on.
I was at the game and was definetely "united" as i wouldnt sing it if it was and never have sang about the munich disaster cos thats what it was, a DISASTER for all of football.
Watching the game on tv, could clearly hear it was "United"!

I agree with what the OP says regarding Munich, 100%, but don't think it seemed to be used on Wednesday night...not from what I heard anyway.
I was there Wednesday night a few started off with the Munich but it was drowned out by the vast majority singing who put the ball in Utds. net. P.S. how many casualties were there from that 1st Poznan there was lads falling all over the place.
Fanzone Danny said:
Ric said:
I was at the game on Wednesday night, and every time I heard it sung it was "Who put the ball in United's net".

Seconded only heard it sang with Munich in the odd time and that was outside the ground at the pubs..

^^^^^ this ....

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