My Email from Brian Woolnough

ifiwasarichfan said:
Nobody has said well done to Liam yet. Well done Liam. Why dont you try a follow up along the lines of what Freestyler has said - you haven't answered the question ??. Especially in reference to any anti City bias and why is their so much media protection of the ( Former) Sky 4 - oh and throw in the names of all the Jim Cassell boys who have gone on to play at Full International Level. It has to be double figures now.

Theres no need to praise me, was frustrated with what I read.

I think he kinda answered my point in some respects in saying that having a dig at City (even though its not entirely based on facts) sells papers.

I was going to reply back just asking him whether he knows what it feels like working in a office full of plastic rags when they read bile like this? Because its gets right up my nose!

I'm gonna watch the spain game and neck 4x cans so I may just reply later about how his hair resembles a sheep.
lmjones1uk said:
I emailed Brian this morning after reading the article in the Daily Star regarding City ruining the national side (see below):

from Liam Jones <???????@???????.com>
date Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:14 AM
subject Article about us

hide details 11:14 AM (6 hours ago)

Hi Brian,

I've just read the article you wrote in the Daily Star this morning regarding your views (attacks) on Man City iin reference to us ruining the English national team.

Why have you singled out Man City in this article when Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool failed to produce any England internationals in the past 5-6yrs. At least we have brought through players like Swp, Hart, M.Johnson, Richards, Sturridge, Nimely and Onuoha who have either played at full england international level or at under 21 level.

Last season we introduced 7 academy players to our first team and each of those got game time, so for you to turn around and state that Man City are at fault for the decline of the national game is stupid.

I quiet liked watching Sunday Suppliment and reading your column, but over the past 2 seasons its become apparent you have an agenda with our club. City are trying to break the monopoly of the top4 clubs and for us to do this we need to invest, I would have thought that having more variety in teams challenging for honours would be good for the game, however we seem to have upset some kind of media cartel.

I know the opinion of "the little man" is of no interest to you, but I thought I would let you know that I will no longer be purchasing the Daily Star and I will no longer be watching the Sunday Suppliment. I maybe a minority but if you continue to have unprovocated and ill informed attacks on Man City for your gratification then you will lose more readers then just me.



Anyway sometime later I received the below responce from Brian:

from Brian Woolnough <>
to Liam Jones <????????@??????????>
date Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 5:16 PM
subject RE: Article about us

hide details 5:16 PM (43 minutes ago)

Of course it applies to all clubs and England's awful showing at the World Cup has highlighted the problem. City are topical because of the money they have spent on foreign players. Keep reading and watching and, of course, there will be praise for City. It doesn't stop me being worried about the future of the English team.

Fair play for him replying, I wasnt expecting him to and I'm glad I held off on the "Lambhead" reference, I dont normally do stuff like emailing jorno's but I was quiet annoyed.

Anyway he basically confirms that they will write anything just to sell a paper.. I wont hold my breath for any praise from him regarding City anytime soon!


I dont want to burst bubbles, but it would have been quicker and more honest of him to have replied

Dear Liam

Fuck Off

Yours Lambhead.
KenTheLandlord said:

I dont want to burst bubbles, but it would have been quicker and more honest of him to have replied

Dear Liam

Fuck Off

Yours Lambhead.

Haha class.

I'm going to invite him to a Policeman's Ball in Rothbury, dress codes obviously Police atire!
With reference to us buying foreign players:

Hart- Englands No 1 in years to come if he keeps development up
Bridge- Would have been there if not for Terry
Lescott- Would have been there if not for Injury
Barry- Taken when not fit.
SWP- Bought back from Chelsea and taken
A.Johnson- Should have been taken

Thats 6 of the 23 who were/could/should have been taken.

It is any wonder why clubs buy foreign when you can be Silva for 24 mill but Villa want 30 for Milner. Petrov 5.6 million - week later Kieren Richardson to Sunderland for 6.5 million. Id say us, Spurs and Villa are the best 3 teams for English players. When the 30+ old brigade retire how many will Chelsea have, Liverpool, Utd?
Basically he took a cheap shot at City thereby creating even more ill-will against us throughout the country....his reply to the e-mail is just as offensive as the original article.
The problem with England is the FA most fans know that but that is not newsworthy and those bastards in charge will never get rid of themselves so it is pointless blaming them, so they go for the easy target which is us.

See Arsenal are signing another frenchie, again well done Wenger looking after Englands future - easy isn't it.
Bluemoonbaldboy said:
Fair enough he replied noticed though he totally dodges the points you raise

He didn't dodge them at all. If you go back and read his reply, it's quite clear that his justification is "I don't actually believe that it's the case, but frankly slandering City is currently in fashion and thus I shall continue to do so purely to appeal to the trends of the current day".
Why you would even read the Daily Star let alone what Brian Woolnough has to say puzzles me.
I've picked it up before to see numerous messages slating the dross he had written the week before.
But at least you emailed instead of texting like some muppets do.

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