My Ex!

This is a great time for you to learn a new lesson in life. This one is:

"How to get revenge on that heartless woman who dumped you when she had a sniff of another bloke and came running back when he fucked her off."

What you must do now is re-establish your relationship with her, with the caveat (look it up) that as you were heart broken when you split up it will take time to rebuild the trust. The key word here is trust. You must hold back, show interest but force her to make all the moves. If she ever complains just tell her that in your heart you know it's right, but you need time to get your head right. This I guarantee will have her giving you handjobs for breakfast and blowjobs for tea. If you get just the right amount of "i need you but need to know I can trust you" you could get her to the stage where she'll bark like a dog on command.

When you have complete control over her, it's time to look around for someone new. Take it from me, it's much easier to find a new girlfriend when you are in a relationship. You will find that at this stage you will have zero respect for her and the thrill of domination will long since have become a bore. You then tell her that you just couldn't get your head back together and it's time to knock it on the head.

Now you will have a new girlfriend and the ex will be willing to do anything to get you back. Choose the right new girl and it could be threesomes by Easter.

Of course you mustn't let this get in the way of your revision.
Gelsons Dad said:
This is a great time for you to learn a new lesson in life. This one is:

"How to get revenge on that heartless woman who dumped you when she had a sniff of another bloke and came running back when he fucked her off."

What you must do now is re-establish your relationship with her, with the caveat (look it up) that as you were heart broken when you split up it will take time to rebuild the trust. The key word here is trust. You must hold back, show interest but force her to make all the moves. If she ever complains just tell her that in your heart you know it's right, but you need time to get your head right. This I guarantee will have her giving you handjobs for breakfast and blowjobs for tea. If you get just the right amount of "i need you but need to know I can trust you" you could get her to the stage where she'll bark like a dog on command.

When you have complete control over her, it's time to look around for someone new. Take it from me, it's much easier to find a new girlfriend when you are in a relationship. You will find that at this stage you will have zero respect for her and the thrill of domination will long since have become a bore. You then tell her that you just couldn't get your head back together and it's time to knock it on the head.

Now you will have a new girlfriend and the ex will be willing to do anything to get you back. Choose the right new girl and it could be threesomes by Easter.

Of course you mustn't let this get in the way of your revision.

Nail hit squarely on the head by Gelsons dad.

If you unconditionally take her back as if nothing has happened, she'll probably pull the same stunt with someone else down the line.

If you take control of the situation as suggested, you won't go too far wrong in the future.
It´s all about different levels of love... Right know she wants you more then you want her, since she is texting you and all that..BUT the second you take her back, she will realise that YOU want her more and start treating you like shit again...

I´m going to give you an example, a couple of years ago I was seeing this girl, I was absolutly crazy about her..After a couple of months she told me that she wasn´t sure if she still had feelings for me, I was giving her the big fucking scene, crying, telling her I cant live without her, buying her flowers all that shit..This went on for a couple of weeks and I was just waiting for the final dump...This is when I went to this party, and ended up in bed with another girl..I told my girlfriend this, since I was sure we were breaking up anyway...You can´t guess what happend, she started crying giving me the guilt trip, called me for days begging me to take her back...

The sad truth is girls just want what they can barely have! If they take you for granted they wont stay for long...I mean obviously after a year or two you should be safe, but before that NEVER show more love then you are given..
Timmmmahhhh said:
Mate, she fucked you off for someone she assumed was better, she has now had an arguement with him and wants to jump back into her comfort zone.

You think she would have come back if he didn't fuck her off?

Bin her off, get rid, look at it as her loss, not yours!!

In all seriousness this, this and thrice this.^^^^^

For shits and giggles the following:

Gelsons Dad said:
This is a great time for you to learn a new lesson in life. This one is:

"How to get revenge on that heartless woman who dumped you when she had a sniff of another bloke and came running back when he fucked her off."

What you must do now is re-establish your relationship with her, with the caveat (look it up) that as you were heart broken when you split up it will take time to rebuild the trust. The key word here is trust. You must hold back, show interest but force her to make all the moves. If she ever complains just tell her that in your heart you know it's right, but you need time to get your head right. This I guarantee will have her giving you handjobs for breakfast and blowjobs for tea. If you get just the right amount of "i need you but need to know I can trust you" you could get her to the stage where she'll bark like a dog on command.

When you have complete control over her, it's time to look around for someone new. Take it from me, it's much easier to find a new girlfriend when you are in a relationship. You will find that at this stage you will have zero respect for her and the thrill of domination will long since have become a bore. You then tell her that you just couldn't get your head back together and it's time to knock it on the head.

Now you will have a new girlfriend and the ex will be willing to do anything to get you back. Choose the right new girl and it could be threesomes by Easter.

Of course you mustn't let this get in the way of your revision.

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