My Ex!

It brings a tear to my eye reading how full of wisdom and good advice the men of this forum are.

Don't go back down that road again mcfc_die_hard, she treated you like crap once, which means she probably wont think twice about doing it again, especially if you come running when she calls.
mcfc_die_hard said:
Right i split up with the missus like 3 weeks ago but we was like really close when we were together and being finished was sort of coming because it started to fade near the end and then eventually we went our seperate ways.

But then she spoke to me and we had a massive argument and she removed my facebook and deleted my number all that carry on so there was no contact between us and she started to text and meet this lad which to be honest never bothered me and then out of nowhere she started speakin to me on msn and i was still trying to get her out of my head so i wasnt really creating and conversation between us so she wudnt talk to me.

But we havnt spoke for like 4-5 days and then today she sends me a message on facebook saying 'wats your number i need to talk to you' so i text her because i still had her number and i said what u wanna talk about and she goes ohh it doesnt matter now so i say there must have been summat and she said yeah there was but i cant tell you now so i just dropped it but then i quickly said so hows you and that fella and she went dont go there so i went what u mean and she went dont wanna talk about him and then we started talking normally and she started to put kisses on the texts and all that.

Any ideas to what i should do guys and girls?


Do her up the 'Gary Glitter' and then tell her to do one!
amehh said:
It brings a tear to my eye reading how full of wisdom and good advice the men of this forum are.

Don't go back down that road again mcfc_die_hard, she treated you like crap once, which means she probably wont think twice about doing it again, especially if you come running when she calls.

Wise words for one so young.

She's the one controlling the situation and she's got you round her little finger.

If it didn't work once I PROMISE you it won't work the next time.

Have some dignity, don't return her calls.
mcfc_die_hard said:
Right i split up with the missus like 3 weeks ago but we was like really close when we were together and being finished was sort of coming because it started to fade near the end and then eventually we went our seperate ways.

But then she spoke to me and we had a massive argument and she removed my facebook and deleted my number all that carry on so there was no contact between us and she started to text and meet this lad which to be honest never bothered me and then out of nowhere she started speakin to me on msn and i was still trying to get her out of my head so i wasnt really creating and conversation between us so she wudnt talk to me.

But we havnt spoke for like 4-5 days and then today she sends me a message on facebook saying 'wats your number i need to talk to you' so i text her because i still had her number and i said what u wanna talk about and she goes ohh it doesnt matter now so i say there must have been summat and she said yeah there was but i cant tell you now so i just dropped it but then i quickly said so hows you and that fella and she went dont go there so i went what u mean and she went dont wanna talk about him and then we started talking normally and she started to put kisses on the texts and all that.

Any ideas to what i should do guys and girls?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe........ she wants to keep you hangin on, get rid and move on!
I'll tell you piece of advice I got on a building site one afternoon, after a nasty argument on the phone with my bird.

The bloke, I'll call him Chris (although his real name was Dave Merryweather, bricklayer), said that I should leave early, go back to the flat and make a lovely dinner for us both (me and the bird, not Chris), open a bottle of wine and wait for her to come home. As she walked through the door, Chris said, take her coat and hang it up, then put your arms around her and hold her for a few seconds. Then kiss her head and tell her that you love her, that you're sorry about what you said and that you realise now that the things that were upsetting you were not important compared to the real things in life like your love for her and your wish to make her happy.

Then piss down her leg.

This, Chris reasoned, would help her to understand the triviality of the argument by juxtaposing it with the seriousness of urinating down her good work clothes in the hallway.

Chris also advised that I found somewhere else to stay.
amehh said:
It brings a tear to my eye reading how full of wisdom and good advice the men of this forum are.

Don't go back down that road again mcfc_die_hard, she treated you like crap once, which means she probably wont think twice about doing it again, especially if you come running when she calls.

Yeah its probably for the best that i dont go back there. And lmaoo they are a funny bunch arnt they this lot on here haha
There seem to have been a few 'What should I do now?' posts on here since before Christmas. I'm from a different time-warp where you didn't go public with stuff like this, so its a bit strange reading all the heartache stories.

Anyway, as my old fella would have said to me - "There's more fish in the sea"

You never know what you've missed 'til its not there and maybe the lady in question was having second thoughts about splitting with the OP. That's all.
I'm no expert but you asked so heres my tuppence worth.

I've no idea why the relationship fizzled out. But she moved on quickly so obviously was ready to move on therefore wasn't really bothered by you or your feelings.
Then the argument. It must've been a real big one because going from remaining good friends to basically being nothing in her life that quick could only point to that. She had her other fella now so life was easy. She could get over it quickly.

But that fella has gone. The fishing for your number because she wanted to tell you something, then saying it no longer mattered, to me that means your her doormat. She had someone to comfort her after your break up and now she has a 2nd break up she is alone in that sense and you are the easy option to give her a bit of company and confidence boost.

If she had ralised the error of her ways then no doubt she would be able to invite you round for a chat then pour her heart out a little with the aim of showing you her regret. She didn't she just wanted your number to get a quick confidence fix.

If you still have feelings then IMHO leave well alone. You could very easily become the doormat that she needs. Doing everything for her only to be shat on when she gets back on her horse and decides she can go for someone else.

If you can treat her the same as she wants from you then get in and get some sex.

But I doubt very much she wants you for any other reason. Again only an opinion I only have the little you wrote to go on.

And next time post pix please.

Oh I fall under the chronically single, border line mental of estebans scale
PJMCC1UK said:
I'm no expert but you asked so heres my tuppence worth.

I've no idea why the relationship fizzled out. But she moved on quickly so obviously was ready to move on therefore wasn't really bothered by you or your feelings.
Then the argument. It must've been a real big one because going from remaining good friends to basically being nothing in her life that quick could only point to that. She had her other fella now so life was easy. She could get over it quickly.

But that fella has gone. The fishing for your number because she wanted to tell you something, then saying it no longer mattered, to me that means your her doormat. She had someone to comfort her after your break up and now she has a 2nd break up she is alone in that sense and you are the easy option to give her a bit of company and confidence boost.

If she had ralised the error of her ways then no doubt she would be able to invite you round for a chat then pour her heart out a little with the aim of showing you her regret. She didn't she just wanted your number to get a quick confidence fix.

If you still have feelings then IMHO leave well alone. You could very easily become the doormat that she needs. Doing everything for her only to be shat on when she gets back on her horse and decides she can go for someone else.

If you can treat her the same as she wants from you then get in and get some sex.

But I doubt very much she wants you for any other reason. Again only an opinion I only have the little you wrote to go on.

And next time post pix please.

Oh I fall under the chronically single, border line mental of estebans scale

Cheers for the advice mate but the thing is she didnt even know this other lad until a week after we split up and she never went out with this lad she just met him when she was with her mates a couple of times.

But when she spoke to me a couple of weeks ago i asked her how is her and that lad and she said its good and i said why dont you go out with him then? and she went i dont wanna so i said well you like him and he likes you so why not get together and she said that she doesnt want to be in a relationship at the moment thats why us 2 arnt together.

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