My Take On Today **Warning For Happy-Clappers**

I only disagree on two points.

1. I thought Boateng had a good game.

2. I thought ade was quite poor.

Other than these two points I agree completely.
Ducado said:
I sometimes get the feeling that some posters on here would rather we lost, just so they can come on here and moan.

It was not a good performance true, but we won and that is the important part, just rejoice at that instead of picking holes

There are those who are happy when we win and there are those who disect it and put forward their views.. Do the disectors get any fun at all.??

cant see it myself...??
can i just say...

I'm sometimes prone to writing an essay, sorry if that's inconvenient.

Secondly I'm very happy with the win, I just think the performance could be better, outlined why and how I think we could improve, that's all.

Thirdly I think Mancini did well today.

On the point of the tempo being raised, I think it went up 2 notches, the first with Ade coming on, the 2nd with AJ, they changed the game.

Finally, I define a happy-clapper as one of the few on here who refuse to allow anyone to say anything but be totally positive about all issues, especially regarding anything related to Mancini. I celebrated the win, so I can't see why anyone wouldn't, bar the Geordies obviously, that's not what I meant by happy clappers, sorry for any confusion.

p.s. I know Trig's a steward so if he wouldn't mind reading the bottom 2 paragraphs thanks.
Fuck it, we played a bit shit, but we won. You can look at is as a negative or positive (playing shit and winning is a decent thing to be able to do), or as a sensible and balanced combination of 2.

We've played better before, and will play better again.

Chelsea, Juve and Newcastle in a week, 2 wins and a draw, would have taken that beforehand.

Onwards and upwards.

(i have no problem with a bit of dissection of why we played crap, just can't be bothered participating right now).
ThreeTeamSupporter said:
Heh so I started reading the OP expecting to get very angry and basically shout at my keyboard, but it was slightly more reasonable than first anticipated.

I certainly agree with the following:
- Boateng and Yaya. Both looked pretty average today. They'll be better next time.
- Milner on the left. It clearly works against the 'bigger' teams, where we need someone who has the stamina to track back and break forward for 90 minutes against quality full backs. However, he tends to make the wrong decisions when we attack, and takes too long to make them. I'd like to see him pushed into the centre at home to teams in the bottom half, and starting with either Johnson or Adebayor.

But I disagree with the points about:
- Silva. I thought he was f*cking impressive today.
- De Jong. Looked pretty solid throughout actually, and picked out some ok passes.
- The game changing impact of Johnson. OK so obviously the goal was amazing, but I actually thought we'd started to pick up the tempo quite a while before he came on.

Thought the pace of our game picked up with the Ade sub. Little brighter and a wider range options. Johnson introduced that element which frightens defenders these days - pace going into the box. He bamboozled that poor FB nearly every time he was on the ball but throughout the entire match I was left with the single thought - I thought days like this were behind us in terms of team performance. I think there is still a substantial amount of work to do 'cos when Carlos is on the ball the rest think he's gonna do it on his own, and when Silva's on the ball the rest think he's gonna a solo, and so on. The fact that AdamJ got MotM was the clearest indication all afternoon that none of them had done it.

Is there a reason or range of reasons why, going into an international weekend we didn't start with the team that finished. NUFC would have been left ragged by HT.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
can i just say...

I'm sometimes prone to writing an essay, sorry if that's inconvenient.

Secondly I'm very happy with the win, I just think the performance could be better, outlined why and how I think we could improve, that's all.

Thirdly I think Mancini did well today.

On the point of the tempo being raised, I think it went up 2 notches, the first with Ade coming on, the 2nd with AJ, they changed the game.

Finally, I define a happy-clapper as one of the few on here who refuse to allow anyone to say anything but be totally positive about all issues, especially regarding anything related to Mancini. I celebrated the win, so I can't see why anyone wouldn't, bar the Geordies obviously, that's not what I meant by happy clappers, sorry for any confusion.

p.s. I know Trig's a steward so if he wouldn't mind reading the bottom 2 paragraphs thanks.

Always welcome opinions tbh its a forum....Have always found it hard to grasp when we have won...Maybe its just me...
samharris said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
can i just say...

I'm sometimes prone to writing an essay, sorry if that's inconvenient.

Secondly I'm very happy with the win, I just think the performance could be better, outlined why and how I think we could improve, that's all.

Thirdly I think Mancini did well today.

On the point of the tempo being raised, I think it went up 2 notches, the first with Ade coming on, the 2nd with AJ, they changed the game.

Finally, I define a happy-clapper as one of the few on here who refuse to allow anyone to say anything but be totally positive about all issues, especially regarding anything related to Mancini. I celebrated the win, so I can't see why anyone wouldn't, bar the Geordies obviously, that's not what I meant by happy clappers, sorry for any confusion.

p.s. I know Trig's a steward so if he wouldn't mind reading the bottom 2 paragraphs thanks.

Always welcome opinions tbh its a forum....Have always found it hard to grasp when we have won...Maybe its just me...

i always find there's ways to improve, that's all, if we'd played well and won I wouldn't have had much to say lol.
this must be a joke right? were still moaning? were fucking 2nd and were still moaning? If it was united everbody would be going "oh sign of the champions getting results while still playing average" and were going oh were shit us! CHEER THE FUCK UP! 2nd and if it wasnt for the fannys at arsenal we'd only be 2 points or 1 point behind the rent boys, now this to me seems like a good thing so why are we moaning? Who gives a fuck about how we do it? lets get it done and then maybe improve it but even so mourhinio 1-0 wins for the whole season thats how mancini will do it thats how city will do it and that is exactly how to do it so chill out ffs WERE 2nd!
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm going to post my thoughts on today as I didn't really on thursday after Juve, as I thought that was a dissappointing result and performance in a winnable game but realised a point was still a good result and that we can't play well every game.

However(the following may be unacceptable to certain posters who believe we should only be grateful about where we are and therefore cannot voice any other opinion, no matter the result, btw guys, it's called criticism, and often it is constructive, not moaning, that's what you do when we voice our opinion) I said, however I went today and for a while I thought I was back in 2006.

Now, I firstly want to post a stat. Possession-City 43%, Newcastle 57%. This to me says that our passing was awful, and the viewing backed this up. It was clueless, disjointed, delayed, mistimed, inaccurate, I was amazed at how poor we were on the ball, not even comparing to Newcastle who were quick, driven, incisive and are no offence, a newly promoted team. Today was a very bad day in that respect. Too often we dallied on the ball, stood still then either gave it away or passed sideways, sometimes there were 3 players stood together and we still lost the ball, or we carelessly passed it away without looking, the really amusing times were when players were running away and the pass ended up hitting them in the back of the leg because they weren't looking, it was really awful for about 30/40 mins, nobody wanted to take a gamble with a through ball over the top, and on the rare occasion they did, the attacker wasted the chance.

Then Ade came on. He held the ball up well, ran at the opposition, had some nice interchanges with Tevez and Silva and we improved in that area of the pitch, still not quite enough.

Then AJ came on, we were completely different. He added dynamism and intensity and ran at players, took it upon himself to beat men and shoot, and we scored. Silva, Barry, Milner, learn the lesson, if you've got a shooting opportunity, have a pop, don't always try and rely on Carlos or try and pass to him. Have a go yourself. There seemed to be a mentality when we got in the box that we had to pass to Carlos, the other lads couldn't take responsibility and have a punt, until AJ came on. I feel that on the 1-on-1s in particular those guys need to have a go.

What I'm basically saying there is that Mancini got his subs right, even Paddy, because he made some important tackles in the last 10 mins. For the first time this season I can walk away saying Mancini made the right changes, alright they were quite obvious, but he made them, and that's all that matters, we went attacking and it worked, and I'd like to see us make that move more often at home, but today we got the result even though quite frankly we didn't deserve it. I thought our penalty was soft and they should have had one, I was also surprised they didn't start with Carroll, I was relieved at the start when they played Ameobi instead.

Now onto the players. I understand that they don't know each other very well and that they need to gel, but some of the passing and play today was inexcusable. There was no pass and move, it was so slow, delayed, careless and devoid of idea for a long spell, and it wasn't good. Hopefully Mancini can rectify that. I think the defence looked shaky but I think that was down to the full backs, ok Kolo made a poor clearance but he didn't get much help. Boateng looked out of sorts but he didn't look fit and I don't think he's used to our style of play and maybe back in Germany he didn't need to hoof the ball clear, hence his loose passes out of defence. I think he will learn, improve and understand his role better once he's settled into the side. For me it was clear nobody had faith in Joleon, they would never pass to him or dink it over the top when he made a run, it seemed weird but maybe that was just a one-off. I think it's clear the back 4 will need time to gel, but that's nobody's fault, injuries are unfortunate and just have to be managed.

In midfield well, what can you say. Yaya looked off the pace and out of sorts, I think he needs a fitness regime over the international break and obviously can't play twice in 4 days for whatever reason, he was a dead weight in midfield. Then we had Gareth "one pace and seven touches" Barry, who either didn't have the confidence to be more expansive or was instructed not to be, because I think he can spread the ball quicker and accurately and create, and I think he needs too to give balance and improve the team. On Nigel, he seemed reserve after that tackle, maybe it affected him and he didn't want to get stuck in, but he needs to keep breaking up play and being tough, I think Newcastle controlled the midfield once he stepped off.

Milner, ah, I don't think he's working very well at the moment, I don't like him on the left, he slows up play and he isn't quick enough, his passing seems off to. Maybe he just isn't in great form, but I'd like to see AJ get a run ahead of him now. Silva and Tevez I think lacked supply and got frustrated and I still think Silva needs to settle and get a bit of confidence, a goal will do him good but he seems scared to shoot. Ade & AJ did really well for me.

So a dissappointing performance, but we got the result which is all that really matters. I am worried about the lack of chances(only 9 today, Liverpool had 19 for example) and it needs working on, but maybe after a little break after a tough week we can come back invigorated and ready to get stuck in, we're 2nd, that's great, it's still early but if we can stay up there hopefully the performances will come, we are in a very positive position.

On a side note, my first venture into the club shop this season, looked good and efficient but am annoyed they've stopped producing the player postcards :(. Went to the cafe in City Square, food was nicer(and a tad cheaper than in the ground), but I think there's room for improvement. Either make a proper cafe with a load of benches and tables and a big choice of sit down as well as take-out food, and incorporate the bar the other side, and cover the whole area, as half the benches were soaked today. I think making it bigger, covering it and adding to it with choice and facilities would be the next step hopefully, and get rid of Hugh Ferris, get a proper blue and do things properly.

On a side note to the stewards on here, CB L3 there was a lady who brought up a pint to her seat. Unless protocol has changed I'd like to inform you so that you can tighten that bit up. I think if you're going to ban alcohol in seats, like the smoking, please enforce it properly. Service in the ground was quick today, better in that area than Chelsea.

So all in all, good result, less than impressive performance. But oh well we won, Liverpool and Arsenal lost, haha, 2nd in the league :).
Not got much to say then eh!<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:07 pm --<br /><br />
BlueBoy93 said:
this must be a joke right? were still moaning? were fucking 2nd and were still moaning? If it was united everbody would be going "oh sign of the champions getting results while still playing average" and were going oh were shit us! CHEER THE FUCK UP! 2nd and if it wasnt for the fannys at arsenal we'd only be 2 points or 1 point behind the rent boys, now this to me seems like a good thing so why are we moaning? Who gives a fuck about how we do it? lets get it done and then maybe improve it but even so mourhinio 1-0 wins for the whole season thats how mancini will do it thats how city will do it and that is exactly how to do it so chill out ffs WERE 2nd!
38 x 1-0 wins ground out like this would be great, just don't expect people to want to watch it!
FFS it's half a new team with a significant contingent of players who have never played in the Premiership before, who aren't used to each other and who everyone knows will need time to click and in spite of all of that, we are second. You moaners have FUCK ALL to moan about. We have the best squad in the country and we are highly likely to improve that squad again come January and people are moaning???! Sorry, but WTF?!!! Grow up and get agrip And for those rags amongst us who are pathetic, cringe-worthy and desperate enough to pretend to be disenchanted blues, you need to remember that you are rag fornicators. You don't do humour.

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