Yeah, it's an odd one. I curse it all, but if I still managed to by a 4k TV last month, it makes me think. I'm still not sure how I managed that. Made do with not buying many new clothes last year, I reckon.
Really tho, I reckon it's almost the opposite of paying for COVID. For one thing, we burned 70 Billion with Quazi's budget. That's a monumental amount.
I think this is about keeping the markets fluid for as long as possible to get over the Brexit hump. Take what you can from consumers now. We'll not see much of it back. How would we get it back? Through services. And stable economic lives for normal people.
People losing their houses due to interest rates will happen soon, and that is NOT any sort of way to pay the COVID debt. Neither is underfunding everything to the point of mass walkouts, and 3k Brits too many a week dying.
Kids got messed up with COVID years, now they're getting no stability or support to help them. Just shoved into massive classes and told it's only there so they can get a job and pay for everything. It's miserable and they won't ever be what they could, economically, because of it. The world economy hasn't changed much in twenty years since the phones and facebook took off. It WILL change in the future, and we'll need people who can think and invent again, rather than just fit in with what's there. And we'll need people who can take care of others because they love that it's a job people respect. But people are so miserably bent on it all being about 'paying' for everything that they give no respect to anything else.
Same with health. All this shortfall in care has knock on effects. People will be unable to work. Some will die. We'll all be paying for that, the expensive treatment, the benefits, for the rest of our lives. Never mind the price THEY pay.
The Govt need this downturn over soon to have any chance at reelection. They'll take some votes back if they can say it looks better, even if it's just hopeful predictions. That'd be you, my friend?
Pay for COVID? We had that much money lost in 24 hours after the Brexit vote, and the stupid Quasi budget, that we you'd think we could pay for anything if we'd kept hold of it. £20b or so of the COVID expenses were utterly wasted.
What happened to all that money? Most of it just goes to the right people. A few thousand pocketing billions.
That's politics mate. That was our economy then. Our country. We'd already paid for it. They just managed to accidentally knock all that money into a few people's hands. Exact same with that disastrous budget. A couple of thousand investment bankers and hedge fund types won the lottery. Billions of pounds.
You reckon they'll pay for anything they can get out of? Have you ever met a rich ****? Dear god, I can't stop laughing.