
Well my other half.... yep she nags like fcuk, always comes out with a leading question, she clearly knows the answer as it gives her another excuse to maon about something. I have now started refusing to answer her stupid questions which makes it worse but hey ho got to play the game.

Problem i have got is that her dad (best bloke to walk the planet) sits at home with her mother like a nodding dog. He has no friends, never goes the pub, no hobbies and this clown here thinks thats how it works. Apparently all her friends husbands are just like her dad too - WTF.
I used to have one of these but it's gone missing somehow.

My father in law just looks at his mrs and says, "cup of tea I think". No matter what she's doing or watching, she gets up and makes him one, promptly.
If you did as you are told the first time of asking we wouldnt need to nag

I never nag by the way
Seeing as none of the ladies on here ever nag, it's clearly only women that can understand and appreciate football that don't do it. Either that or they're telling porkies.
I find the worst kind of nagging is when
You've got friends or family in your house and
She starts with a.... You no what right he come home the other night right and guess
What he said or did nag fukin nag and then her mate starts on your mate WTF
That genrally leads to where's my car keys me n said pal go to pub
Stay to long (one leads to 8 syndrome kicks in) then next day she has to go and pick up the car and nags about that I'm ok though I can handle it.
billfromthehill said:
I find the worst kind of nagging is when
You've got friends or family in your house and
She starts with a.... You no what right he come home the other night right and guess
What he said or did nag fukin nag and then her mate starts on your mate WTF
That genrally leads to where's my car keys me n said pal go to pub
Stay to long (one leads to 8 syndrome kicks in) then next day she has to go and pick up the car and nags about that I'm ok though I can handle it.

2sheikhs said:
Seeing as none of the ladies on here ever nag, it's clearly only women that can understand and appreciate football that don't do it. Either that or they're telling porkies.

Or, we've managed to find men who don't have the same attitude to women as their grandfathers...

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