Naomi Osaka refusing to speak to the media - Is she right or wrong?

Well, a rather lengthy response about a young girl who is, what, 23? She's introvert but determined enough to try and deal with her matters herself and acts like a young person would.

I think you had none of the answers you have given out at her age. Or maybe you were more worldly than most at her age? But, yes, she's 'precious', isn't she?

As she says herself her depression came on in the last few years, which kind of coincides with her rise to fame, no? Again, her headphone usage has also come on in that time.

And tennis is all she's ever done and all she's been good at (I think she would say this herself at 23).

You claim to have "thought about it", but it seems not.

I'll retract the "right idiot" part as, at least, you've put a bit of thought into a reply.
If you think I will discuss this issue with someone who puts words in my mouth, you are sadly mistaken.
You think we'd have never heard of a four-time Grand Slam tournament winner if she chose not to do post-match sitdowns with the press?

It’s not about whether anyone would hear about her if she didn’t do post match sit down. Any sort of press coverage means more exposure and more exposure means more sponsorship.

The post match sit downs form the basis for the whole coverage otherwise the report would read “she hit one over with a backhander to make it 40-40 and the won the game through a double fault”
Many people work through extreme depression, Robin Williams one of them, Matthew Perry and many stars.

Michael Phelps - the most decorated Olympian of all time, went into the 2012 London games with "no self-confidence, no self-love." As he told NBC , "I think the biggest thing was, I thought of myself as just a swimmer, and nobody else." Phelps's depression even caused him to push people who were important to him out of his life. Phelps recalled, "I was in the lowest place I've ever been. Honestly, I sort of, at one point, I just, I felt like I didn't want to see another day. I felt like it should be over."

for someone who has suffered clinical depression, your lack of empathy is strange on this one.
Follow the posts and sayings of the woman herself and her entourage from last thursday onwards. There is no consistency. Read her sister's statement.
Her original statement was that she would not speak to those who doubted her, (referring to criticism of her clay court play) not that she was anxious. Her failure to discuss this with the organisers was poor to say the least. She simply wrote to them informing them that she refused to talk to the press. If she wants understanding she needs to be more cognisant of her obligations to them as well as calling for them to accomodate her.
What you call my lack of empathy has nothing to say about her health, more her, lets be kind, naivete. Too many posters here are conflating the issue of her depression with the way she and her entourage have handled the situation. They have tried to manipulate others into a stance which is sympathetic to her. My own experience is that this is precisely the wrong way to go. Dealing with depression requires honesty above all. She has had poor advice.
As I said in an earlier post, we have to suspend judgement till all is clear about her health.
well as her sponsors are backing her and as 56% of people who watch tennis are women I'd guess the game is rapidly falling onto the wrong side of the argument

Of course the sponsors are backing her initially. Who in their right mind in today’s world would pull support from someone who claims she suffers from mental health? There would be a cancel hashtag on Twitter in 90 seconds.

You will see when it’s time to renew whether they will continue as businesses deal in one language and one emotion.

Follow the posts and sayings of the woman herself and her entourage from last thursday onwards. There is no consistency. Read her sister's statement.
Her original statement was that she would not speak to those who doubted her, (referring to criticism of her clay court play) not that she was anxious. Her failure to discuss this with the organisers was poor to say the least. She simply wrote to them informing them that she refused to talk to the press. If she wants understanding she needs to be more cognisant of her obligations to them as well as calling for them to accomodate her.
What you call my lack of empathy has nothing to say about her health, more her, lets be kind, naivete. Too many posters here are conflating the issue of her depression with the way she and her entourage have handled the situation. They have tried to manipulate others into a stance which is sympathetic to her. My own experience is that this is precisely the wrong way to go. Dealing with depression requires honesty above all. She has had poor advice.
As I said in an earlier post, we have to suspend judgement till all is clear about her health.
Or maybe just 'suspend' your 'judgement' full stop?
It’s not about whether anyone would hear about her if she didn’t do post match sit down. Any sort of press coverage means more exposure and more exposure means more sponsorship.

The post match sit downs form the basis for the whole coverage otherwise the report would read “she hit one over with a backhander to make it 40-40 and the won the game through a double fault”
It's exactly to do with that when I'm responding directly to someone who said "If it wasn’t for the “scummy media” you wouldn’t have heard of her."

The rest I don't have any major issue with, but she seems willing to take whatever financial hit comes her way if it means she doesn't have to do them.

I do think you're placing way too much importance on these post-match sitdowns though, particularly in relation to sponsors. If anything, I can see her sponsorship value increasing on the back of this, but time will tell.

And if it does decline, I guess that's just the price she'll have to pay.

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