Napoli Fans Goal Celebration


Well-Known Member
7 Nov 2008
David Silva's Wardrobe
In my time i've seen alot of goal celebrations from away fans, but if i'm completely honest i have never seen a more mental celebration from a set of fans than i did tonight in my lifetime of watching football.

you could hear the rumbling, and their were bodies everywhere and everyone charging back and fourth.

I honestly think if the stewards were a few more down on numbers, easily about 30-40 fans would have sprayed out onto the pitch.

it reminded me of the charge of arsenal fans, when adebayor did his celebration! but 10 times more rougher.

it were incredible.
They went absolutely beserk, they really did. I'd have found it funny if we hadn't just gone 1-0 down. :P
I agree, was crazy. Italian fans are mental. They were all stood on the seats weren't they? Pretty much standard in the ultra section of Italian stadiums. Nobody was in their correct seat in the second tier either. Was about 3 people per seat on the front row up there.
did you see about 10 of them climbing all over the net that was up and shaking it?

infact why the hell was that even there, i think they must have forgot to have took it down, cause the other end didn't have one.
Just been watching it over on tv, one of them is wearing a city hat lol... must of got it from the store.
Freestyler said:
did you see about 10 of them climbing all over the net that was up and shaking it?

infact why the hell was that even there, i think they must have forgot to have took it down, cause the other end didn't have one.
I think it stayed up exactly for the reason it came in useful; it stopped those Napoli fans getting on/near the pitch. Hey, it worked.
As they kept building pressure on us and won a few corners and free kicks in a row, that song they were chanting whilst jumping to it for 30odd seconds then clapping to it for 30odd seconds which was repeated for AGES was truly awesome!

Then they scored, and as the OP says, it was the most mental I've ever seen a set of fans go when a team has scored a goal. It sounded like an avalanch! QUALITY!

Overall I thought they were good, not great. I think they were as nervous as us in the first half. But for twenty minutes in the second half, they were absoluetly mint.
Never seen away fans that psycho over one goal if i'm honest, they we're nearly tipping over the edge, make a good atmos to be fair, made Kolarov's goal all the sweeter aswell!
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Just been watching it over on tv, one of them is wearing a city hat lol... must of got it from the store.

Yeah i saw that lol was funny! I'll be buying a Napoli shirt when i go to Naples though.

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