Nasri [Merged] continued.

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and that ladies and gentleman means its in the bag. Articles like that have come out before every single one of our players signed. Aguero wanted to go RM and Liverpool but they didnt have the money. Yaya was nailed on for arsenal. Silva really wanted to go to united etc etc.

Its so amusing that article it doesnt even need a response just for us to sit back and laugh as all the united fans tell us that he didnt want to come etc etc.

bluetim said:
levets said:
Samir Nasri is making Manchester City wait on his signature, as he is secretly hoping their arch rivals Manchester United come in with a late bid for him.

Nasri is widely expected to leave Arsenal this week, with a deal between his current club and City seemingly agreed, but the midfielder still hopes a deal can be done to see him move to Old Trafford this summer, reports out of France are suggesting.

Le Parisien are reporting that Nasri met with QPR playmaker, and close friend, Adel Taarabt last week, where he confessed that Manchester City were far from being his first choice club to sign for.

The Arsenal player is reported to have said he would love to play for either Barcelona, Real Madrid or Manchester United, and will only move to Eastlands as long as none of these sides come in for him.

So far, though, City are the only side to bid for the player, and he will go ahead with the move as he is unwilling to extend his time with current employers Arsenal.

The French paper says Nasri has always seen Arsenal as a stepping stone to a bigger European club, and never intended on staying past his current contract, which he signed when he arrived in 2008.

Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini is reportedly hoping United don't step in with a bid, as he sees Nasri as the last piece of the jigsaw that will ensure the Premier League trophy ends up at Eastlands this season.

Fishing rod anyone?

More like shooting fish in a barrel!!!

Come on blues, it wasn't even close to being genuine....Major WUM!
mancboy123 said:
and that ladies and gentleman means its in the bag. Articles like that have come out before every single one of our players signed. Aguero wanted to go RM and Liverpool but they didnt have the money. Yaya was nailed on for arsenal. Silva really wanted to go to united etc etc.

Its so amusing that article it doesnt even need a response just for us to sit back and laugh as all the united fans tell us that he didnt want to come etc etc.

ah well back to sitting back laughing and twiddling thumbs :)
richards30 said:
BringBackSwales said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
'lightening quick' ?????? good god man - if he was any slower he'd be back-peddling!

funny though isn't it - the current City and England managers rate him, as does the previous City and Villa managers, the current arsenal manager and the previous (champions league winning) liverpool manager - I think they can be relied on to PROPERLY understand the different roles and responsibilities in a football team a lot better than some no-mark called ANY1aTWAT, in my opinion. Knob head
lol!!! hes really pissed you off today eh BBS??

not just today mate! He is noted as one of the most miserable posters on here, probably THE most; and he isn't even a City fan
The Chief Football Correspondent for the London Evening Standard has tweeted saying hes in Manchester today so it must be close
BringBackSwales said:
richards30 said:
BringBackSwales said:
funny though isn't it - the current City and England managers rate him, as does the previous City and Villa managers, the current arsenal manager and the previous (champions league winning) liverpool manager - I think they can be relied on to PROPERLY understand the different roles and responsibilities in a football team a lot better than some no-mark called ANY1aTWAT, in my opinion. Knob head
lol!!! hes really pissed you off today eh BBS??

not just today mate! He is noted as one of the most miserable posters on here, probably THE most; and he isn't even a City fan

well here lies the problem. :)
bzekosilva said:
BringBackSwales said:
richards30 said:
lol!!! hes really pissed you off today eh BBS??

not just today mate! He is noted as one of the most miserable posters on here, probably THE most; and he isn't even a City fan

well here lies the problem. :)

it is ONE problem, but one which could be forgiven if he was not the most miserable fucker in the world
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