Need a dumb phone

The one she’s going to is mega strict pal, tbf she’s up for it she’s quite sensible for 11, a damn sight more than I ever was.
I dont know why they have a no phone rule. Most kids will be walking home, in the dark in winter, a phone should be essential . My daughter has her tracking app on so we know where she is when walking home

Her school is strict re phones in so much of you get it out on school premises its confiscated immediately
Keeping kids safe is a ridiculous notion , the first thing someone will do is chuck away the phone if they are taking them or something , a really false sense of security
Keeping kids safe is a ridiculous notion , the first thing someone will do is chuck away the phone if they are taking them or something , a really false sense of security

Yes but an old Nokia can also be used as a lethal weapon in self defence, imagine being twatted round the head with one of those big boys
I dont know why they have a no phone rule. Most kids will be walking home, in the dark in winter, a phone should be essential . My daughter has her tracking app on so we know where she is when walking home

Her school is strict re phones in so much of you get it out on school premises its confiscated immediately
She can take a phone and put in her locker and take out when she leaves I just don’t want her taking a few hundred quid phone out when walking home

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