Never doubt Pep

I don't think it's a matter of people "wanting him gone", it's more a case of people hoping that the club has a top class replacement lined up for when he does leave. He's been beyond great for City, but he will leave at some point in the near future, whether it's 2 years or 5.
There are really only a handful of top quality managers. Pep is the biggest hitter. It will be very difficult to replace him.
He's just being diplomatic mate,imagine him saying they are all cunts,Christ he would be hounded out of the country,,,,,,,,,,,,even though that would ne more closer to the point
The first part of his answer was him being diplomatic and like I said by all means go down that route. But why embellish it by needlessly praising the horrible cunts ?
We have some fucking whoppers on here that want him gone but I hope to god he extends, best football we will ever fucking see.
We’ll never see this level of football again at a consistent rate. He’s so far ahead of any other manager. The past 10 months have been the most balanced football we’ve seen from Peps City. Solid at the back and completely dominate games. I won’t mention a striker because it depresses me!
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Why the fuck does he have to big up their support yet again. He’s asked a question regarding some kind of minor fracas between their scummy fans and our backroom staff and off he goes with his Liverpool wankfest again - by all means play it down and imply it’s just a few misguided individuals etc etc but then why oh why drone on about the “amazing way they support their team”

Fuck off man, stick to managing the team, and shut your fucking mouth regarding our hated opponents.
Calm down you fool. Can’t deny the dippers get behind the team and the atmosphere when it’s hot is pretty damn hostile. How dare you tell him to fuck off when he’s giving you this football to witness. What the hell is the matter with you?
Peps passion is unmatched, tactics aside. I love a guy who's so invested in his team and cares so much about winning each and every game. It spreads throughout the team and the entire club.
Posters going out of their way to find fault with him today might just be the most micro dicked posters on the forum.
Wear a scarf for fucks sake Pep then you'll have the sad fuckers mowing your lawn and all sorts.
This. All these sensitive souls need counseling.
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