New Season, New Era - Plea to All City Fans

blutone3 said:
a good ride in the inside lane doing a steady 56 and getting there eventually ;0)

rowsley st,we are city we will never sit in the inside lane chugging,we are the ones weaving in an out everyone else,hitting the accelerator,then standing on the brakes,causing all the others to look around an say "what the f**K was that?".
its been like that all the way from div3 an wembley................

And then someone will hit us from behind and shunt us into the hard shoulder where we will sit while everyone is having a go at each other and scrapping between ourselves in frustration about not getting there quick enough while picking up a few speeding fines on the way..instead of "chugging" to get there in good time. Call me Captain slow ;0)
Kennedy_probably_has said:
Agree completely

Won't be there tomorrow though as some prick mate has decided first game of the season is a good day to get married! Selfish bastard!

Come on City!!

But it is good to moan and idiot, monging is what we do best. Can't wait for the start of the Hughes out threads, and what a waste of money this player is or that, plus the debate on the tactics employed in any of our games its part of following city and will be very difficult to give up.

Of course I fully agree with you.
Agreed, if tomorrow goes pearshaped don't get on the players or managers backs, thats just what the press want...... enjoy the day win, lose or draw and make us proud like we did against Hamburg, this is the start of the journey we have waited so long for.......ENJOY !!!!! come on City
Trigger said:
Good Afternoon all, well we have all been waiting for this, we now have a squad and setup to be proud of, so please if we lose a couple of games lets not get on the players backs and start the whingeing on here.

There are going to be enough fans of other clubs and the media dying for us to slip up and have a laugh at us, so i beg lets stand tall and sing loud and let them know that whilst it may not be this season it wont be long before City start to win trophies again.

We ALL need to stick together on this as there will no doubt be setbacks, but I feel if we stick together they will be few and far between.

Personally I think starting tomorrow the atmosphere amongst City fans is going to change, I fully expect "Hamburgesque" type crowds certainly away from home and hopefully this will rub off on the home fans (are you listening North Stand ;))

Anyway lets stay positive and hopefully will bump into a few of you guys tomorrow singing loud and proud with 40 of us from the Blues in Bandit Country Supporters Club

Well said!

Now come on city!!!!!
Kennedy_probably_has said:
Agree completely

Won't be there tomorrow though as some prick mate has decided first game of the season is a good day to get married! Selfish bastard!

Come on City!!

Just a minute here.

Are you saying that you will be at some wedding instead of watching City?

Selfish bastard
spogga said:
Kennedy_probably_has said:
Agree completely

Won't be there tomorrow though as some prick mate has decided first game of the season is a good day to get married! Selfish bastard!

Come on City!!

Just a minute here.

Are you saying that you will be at some wedding instead of watching City?

Selfish bastard

It will all end in tears ;)

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