New survey (Atmosphere)

I just did the survey, saying I love the direction of the club in all respects, except for the poor atmosphere. And that something needs to be done about it... and they have the once-in-a-blue-moon chance to do that with the stadium expansion. The way our crowd is at some home games, you'd think Pearce was in charge again.
Re: New surgery (Atmosphere)

Kenney_The_Blue said:
Majority about the atmosphere amongst a couple of other things.

The club knows it needs sorting.

As with surgery, Kenny a bit of pre-op work is needed, covering:
(a) some Blues need to get back to enjoying going to the game. The coach driver who takes us to the Etihad can't believe that some people don't seem to enjoy themselves even when we score 6.

(b) people who sit in silence in areas where we try to get behind the team need to relocate to other parts of the ground.

(c) more people need to get behind efforts to improve the atmosphere so Keep up the good efforts.
Skashion said:
Short of bringing in unallocated safe standing, not sure what the club can do to help.

For now, not much because everyone has a seat and you can't do a mass swap.

When the stadium expands, give 2,000+ new seats to an application-based singing section and relocate the new ST holders to the vacated seats. Surely it's possible...
lets play utd at home all 18 games, that will improve the atmosphere and we will get all the points as well
I no it's not really possible now but the best way to improve the atmosphere would be to have the south stand just one tier like at Dortmunds ground the yellow wall they call it

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