New survey (Atmosphere)

Stop chucking out the SS stand and giving our seats to away fans, stick the fuckers in the third tier
uwerosler28 said:
stop increasing the prices and pricing out the type of fan who creates atmosphere whilst replacing them with tourists who are there to experience the atmosphere rather than help enhance it

To be fair to the club they are more than fair with the pricing of tickets.
Particularly the cup competitions and if you are on the cup schemes.
uwerosler28 said:
stop increasing the prices and pricing out the type of fan who creates atmosphere whilst replacing them with tourists who are there to experience the atmosphere rather than help enhance it

£15 vs. Blackburn, zero atmosphere.
paulchapo said:
I have said it before and i will say it again.The people who want to sing and create an atmosphere are too fragmented all over the ground.Most are surrounded by some people who the only sign they are alive is when they get up to leave or go to the toilet.The rest of the time they sit or stand in a stupified silence throwing disaproving or smirking looks at anyone who shows some passion.Why they bother going to a live game is beyond me.

We need one stand behind the goal where everyone is committed to joining in and not sitting there like Victor fucking Meldrew after a sleeping tablet.No sensitive faint hearts and no kids under 16.The hard part will be getting them to move and finding room for them.In the south stand there used to be a woman with a voice that could curdle milk screaming at everyone to sit down every few minutes.Thankfully she has been silenced and/or moved and everyone now stands without any grief.

Once they get this stand sorted the team then need to kick towards it in the second half.Every other team plays towards their vocal end in the second half except us,we play to the family stand....why???

Wow your hard core.
LoveCity said:
uwerosler28 said:
stop increasing the prices and pricing out the type of fan who creates atmosphere whilst replacing them with tourists who are there to experience the atmosphere rather than help enhance it

£15 vs. Blackburn, zero atmosphere.

I agree - I think it could have something to do with the demographic profile of the fans - most of the people that sit near me are mid 40's + and a few kids. Interestingly my 12 year old gets embarrassed when I should and sing (I am 49). He does not think its cool to sing (he needs more education). I think standing and drinking inside thew ground might help (but unlikely to get approved). If you look at other clubs that generate a good atmosphere, its sometime because of the layout of the stands (low roof, compact stadium). When we play big teams the atmosphere is OK (but still not brilliant). When we play so called smaller clubs (e.g. Blackburn mid week) we get radio silence (could be too many games, more so called plastic fans etc...). What I find incredible is the fact we don't sell out at a price point of £15. Lots of clubs are having similar issues to City ref atmosphere, so we should not beat ourselves up too much. I remember as a kid the singing in the Kippax used to start in one particular area. It seemed infectious, in that anyone stoof next too you joined in almost because they were embarrassed to stay quiet. Booze definitely plays a part in people forgetting their inhibitions. At away games people tend to be full of beer which helps generate atmosphere. Somehow we need to get everyone next to each other to sing. SUGGESTION :- If the person sat next to you is not singing - start chanting at them - "you only sing when your winning" or "we only sing when its four" etc... for a laugh. Try to make them join in and have some banter with them if they don't respond. We need to educate everyone its cool to chant and support your team. Sitting in the same spot turning up 5 mins late for kick off, going for a drink 10 mins before half time and leaving with 20 mins to go when we are winning by 4+ goals is a joke. Inter block / stand rivalry will also help. Getting rib of the Show Sec heavy handed yobs might also help the process.
mansour's tow ropes said:
I honestly think theres not much that can be done. There are just too many people there, families with kids, elderly people, quiet people etc that simply do not want to have to make the effort to sing/stand up/be 'atmospheric' during the game.

Is there a problem with that
Just re-enforces to me that CityVoice isnt really representative of the general support. Because every second thing on it is atmosphere related and no one I know thinks the atmosphere at games is a significant issue at all.

I'm all for those that want to sing to be allowed to sing. Singing areas fine. Standing great.

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