Newcastle Vs City in match Discussion Thread

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We need to be carefull on the right side of defence - Zab is getting overpowered by Santon/Guttierez...

Aguero needs to up his game, or get subbed - looks really off today.
Tevez superb. Clichy superb, Barry superb, Lescott and Comps superb.
Yaya, Silva, Nasri can all do better.

Let me add - I believe we will take this game, clearly a better side.
If Balotelli put a boot in someones face like that, he'd still be banned next season.

He got a yellow for a volley once when nobody was even near him ffs...

Not moaning at the ref though as he's having a decent game imo
rnblade said:
bookiesgirl said:
it is not our day

as much as I hate to say it, I think you are correct. the team doesn't seem to be clicking today. gonna be a really tough second half. a draw suits Newcastle and MANUre.
its just a pity we dropped points we shouldnt have done and then a draw would have been ok, probably as tough an away game we could have got for the last game away
HellasLEAF said:
Newcastle are going to be tough to crack at the back.

We're making it very easy for them though, their centre halfs haven't been moved about by our play.
Its a bit too slow, they can certainly be got at though.
Maybe see how 1st 20 mins pan out then bring Johnson on to run at them?
I don't feel safe with Zaba at right back, touch looks heavy and they seem to be going for him. Get Richards on, power and pace going forward and tracking back.
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