
Dax777 said:
pudge said:
Dax777 said:
Cheating is not limited to diving. Kicking the ball away when the opposition has a kick or throw is cheating. Moving the ball forward from the original spot is cheating. Grabbing a player who has you beat, is cheating.

Take your pick! I bet you have seen De Jong and Kompany do many of those on numerous occasions.
How pedantic are you? Neymar is a cheat, on a whole other level to everyone else, a serial diver, if he concentrated on playing football then the sky's the limit for him but he would much rather con the ref and hit the deck. Risks wasting his talent.
Oh wait! I am pedantic coz I don't subscribe to your world view? There is no other level. He seeks an advantage, by falling when he knows the opposition has mad contact and not gotten the ball. Cheating is cheating, and no go watch his games, he doesn't do it more than everyone else. Certainly not more than Ronaldo, Nani, Sanchez, Balotelli, or the like. What they all have in common is a penchant for attacking defenders. That penchant often puts them in positions where they are opportuned to fall at opposing contact. That Rory Delap doesn't fall as much is more a function of how Rory chooses to play football, than it is about his honesty.

Like I said, I saw Lampard feign being fouled today. I guess he is not a cheat, coz he does it only once every 2 weeks. What is the bar again?

Lampard cheats a fair bit here & there; moreso than Vinny or De Jong. If he dived once per game, he would be comparable with most players who cheat a lttle bit & regrettably, par for the course.

If he dived ten times per game & was a complete shithouse, he would be comparable to Naymar & a total, stomach churning embarrassment to most of the supporters his club, other than those who like cheats.
Agree that we can only afford one erratic eccentric. Balo is the one.
pudge said:
I haven't seen De Jong or Kompany do this;


As a city fan I'd be embarrassed if he was doing that in our shirt.
There are far better players out there who dont cheat... Aguero is just one example.
Neville Kneville said:
Lampard cheats a fair bit here & there; moreso than Vinny or De Jong.
If you define cheating simply in terms of diving, then perhaps. But clearly diving is not the only form of cheating, and most players participate in all forms of it, depending on their style of play. Many would argue De Jong's brute style is in many instances a form of cheating

If he dived once per game, he would be comparable with most players who cheat a lttle bit & regrettably, par for the course.

If he dived ten times per game & was a complete shithouse, he would be comparable to Naymar & a total, stomach churning embarrassment to most of the supporters his club, other than those who like cheats.[/quote]
Well, I am happy at least you have defined what amount in your opinion rises to a level beyond the 'regrettable' par for the course (P.s: liked what you did there with the golf allusion).

That said, I am happy to report that Neymar 'Without a doubt" does not dive 10 times a game. Having seen him about 20-25 times for club and country. There is no doubt in my mind that you will not find a single one of the games I saw in which he dove 10 times. And I doubt you will find any (even in his games that I never saw) where he accomplished such a feat. :p

And by the way, I don't like cheating more than the average fan, I am just not a hypocrit about the issue. I know like every one does, that players cheat -- In many ways -- And I don't pretend to be offended by one form over the other. Nor do I exaggerate the extent of the act in regards to one player simply to serve as an excuse for why I shouldn't like him.

I try to see it for what it is, all players doing whatever it takes to gain an advantage. If they are caught, I expect them to be punished. And if they are not,then I blame the ref. Just like I blame the ref when he fails to see an obvious handball or a tripping or a drag down in the box. Similarly, I blame the ref when he is fooled by a dive.

Dives are not that hard to spot.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:00 pm --<br /><br />
Dobsy said:
Agree that we can only afford one erratic eccentric. Balo is the one.
Well, good thing Neymar is not erratic then, right?
There is a huge difference between players who cheat to the level of Ronaldo & Neymar compared to the average player. If you can't accept that, you are in a very small minority.

It doesn't go down well with a City crowd. I don't know if you go to games or have ever been to a game but the typical response to, for instance, Balotelli, when he chucks himself over is 'get up'. A player who dives even more will receive 'get up you fucking pile of shite' etc etc.

Many of us do not want such players at our club. If half the crowd is atagonistic to cheats of that level, it's better not to sign them. There are other players we can sign instead & still be a great team, without those types.
Neville Kneville said:
There is a huge difference between players who cheat to the level of Ronaldo & Neymar compared to the average player. If you can't accept that, you are in a very small minority.

It doesn't go down well with a City crowd. I don't know if you go to games or have ever been to a game but the typical response to, for instance, Balotelli, when he chucks himself over is 'get up'. A player who dives even more will receive 'get up you fucking pile of shite' etc etc.

Many of us do not want such players at our club. If half the crowd is atagonistic to cheats of that level, it's better not to sign them. There are other players we can sign instead & still be a great team, without those types.
Athletes learn and grow. If you haven't noticed, Ronaldo is not much of a diver anymore. I know blue lenses often blinds many to that fact. And the extent of Neymar's diving is grossly exaggerated. He just doesn't dive that much. We are only being self delusional when we see an exceptional talent, yet focus on an inconsequential.

Lets take the video of his most egregious display of diving for example: The match against the Netherlands, he apparently dived 5 times. But look at each one
1) This I agree was a dive. Similar to Micah Richards dive that won City a game last season. I don't remember much complaint afterwards about Micah. Mostly, folks excused it and rationalized it. Which makes me conclude it is a perception thing. If we think Micah is not a diver, then we are willing to excuse Micah's dive when it wins us favors. But sure that was a dive. Not to mention, that was a foul, whether contact was made or not. The dangerous nature of the attempt is what is penalized (just like in Micah's case) The falling of the player simply negates the possibility of an "advantage" play on call. Hence the Yellow that followed.

2) This is not a dive at all, matter of fact it is a staple in Tevez's arsenal. And I have never once heard anyone even mention it or complain about it. He put himself in front of a charging defender and falls when he is barged into from behind. This too me is fantastic football intelligence, and I applaud all attackers who keep possession by doing this. Tevez included.

3) This is inconsequential. 1) He didn't get to the ball, and the defender who had possession strong armed him away from getting near it. Sure he fell over. But the dude weys 90 pounds soaking wet. And runs at acute angles. Playing with suc an off balance style is actually advantageous, coz you are harder to defend, and can turn on a dime. But it also means you can fall easily. Did he exaggerate the fall? Absolutely! Was he pushed? Yes. Was it a foul? No! And the ref got it spot on.

4. Was a missed attempt byby the defender to kick the ball and then he grazed Neymar's knee and shin. He fell to alert the ref he had been kicked without contact to the ball. This is one of those grey areas where I actually support diving. When a player in possession is contacted (tackle, kicked pushed, shoved, grabbed) without the opposition player touching the ball simultaneously or prior to the contact, it is a foul. But often refs have digressions not to call every contact. But the truth is a guy swinging wildly around you, even when he doesn't touch you impacts your reaction. If you are contacted, your falling down is to signify to the ref that the contact was beyond that of a changed reaction to imminent contact, but an actual contact. But I digress. This will not get called 90% of the time, especially not in the box. And wasn't here.

5. Now this is the kind of diving, I consider cheating. When you intentionally, try to hook your leg around another player to induce a tripping. And he was duly carded for it. He will learn soon how ineffective this is. Sadly, had he paid attention to his right, there was a defender behind him charging, and he could have easily stepped in front of the guy and gotten pushed from behind for a legitimate foul. Actually in the process of diving the guy on the right actually pushed him. But the ref called his simulation.

So viewing the supposed most egregious tape of Neymar's dives we can see their are clearly 2 instances of actual simulation. And like you said, that is really par for the course, when you exclude preconceived perceptions from the equation
I REALLY hope we dont sign this kid.
He is a good play yes, but who has he performed against? A load of part timers in Brazil and he was awful in the Copa America when put up against people with Brazil.

If he came to the prem he would be worse than Robinho who had already have to move from Brazil to Spain so had experience of adapting to different things. We would be plucking this kid from Brazil for 30m+ and expecting him to take on 8 players and score like he has done in Brazil.
CTID101 said:
I REALLY hope we dont sign this kid.
He is a good play yes, but who has he performed against? A load of part timers in Brazil and he was awful in the Copa America when put up against people with Brazil.

If he came to the prem he would be worse than Robinho who had already have to move from Brazil to Spain so had experience of adapting to different things. We would be plucking this kid from Brazil for 30m+ and expecting him to take on 8 players and score like he has done in Brazil.
Statements like these, take away from your argument.

1) The players in Brazil are full time professionals. Many of whom leave that league, come and become stars for their respective clubs all over Europe. So clearly, part time simply does not define them.
2) We are talking about a 19 yearold who is one of the best players in that league. Already a fulltime member of one of the better national teams of the world. I can't count how often I here AJ will grow, that a 24 year old man. But a 19 yearold dominating another league! Certainly, stay away from that one. He has played no one.
3) As for not playing well in the Copa America. Well that is a bit rich init? The best player in the world didn't play well, Man City best player (arguably ever) didn't play well, but sure lets use that competition to judge the 19 yearold and ignore or belittle the resume he has put together over a 2 year period.

As for expecting him to take on 8 players, what! Is this the Pee wee league? Please, all anyone should expect, is for him to enhance the existing talents of Silva, Dzeko, Tevez and Aguero. If he does that and develop, we will win championships. Multiple.

I keep telling folks who don't watch him much. His dribbling, is the least of his talents. His movement is 2nd to none. Absolutely phenomenal!! Would love to see him work in tandem with Aguero and SIlva. Those thre could wreck a league with their vision movement and speed.

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