Nick Clegg and the Liberals


Well-Known Member
4 Jan 2009
How anyone can support this guy is beyond belief.

In the build up to the election :" It's outrageous students have to pay to go to university"

He described plans to raise tuition fees to 7,000 as "ludicrous"
He signed a pledge to vote AGAINST raising tuition fees. He campaigned saying he would ABOLISH tuition fees.
So why Nick are you supporting raising fees to 9,000 a year!
But wait, he'll say " We had no idea of the financial situation"
Yet suddenly Cameron offers him a place in bed and he loses all his morals and values.

Every single LIB MP signed a pledge promising to vote against a rise in tuition fees.

They lied, they decieved the public and in all honesty the NUS have a point in calling for by elections in areas with Liberal MPs.
And a political party dies as a result.

The one I am really disappointed in is Vince Cable, I honestly thought he was made of sterner stuff.

Power corrupts etc etc
Completely sold out all their values for a bit of power. Proof if any was needed that all politicians are self serving grasping bastards.
Lib Dems have zero credibility left.
They just look like Tory lap dogs now, they genuinely had a few good ideas, that will all fall by the wayside just for a sniff of power.
Think they've well and truly fucked themselves for another generation of elections. Perhaps they're pinning their hopes on electoral changes working in their favour, should it come to fruition and it pass.
Skashion said:
Think they've well and truly fucked themselves for another generation of elections. Perhaps they're pinning their hopes on electoral changes working in their favour, should it come to fruition and it pass.

The changes still require an x in a box for Lib Dems at some level of interest.

I hear under the new system suggested that if you only want to put one or two preferences down you can.

Sorry Mr Clegg you've lost your deposit again!
fbloke said:
Skashion said:
Think they've well and truly fucked themselves for another generation of elections. Perhaps they're pinning their hopes on electoral changes working in their favour, should it come to fruition and it pass.

The changes still require an x in a box for Lib Dems at some level of interest.

I hear under the new system suggested that if you only want to put one or two preferences down you can.

Sorry Mr Clegg you've lost your deposit again!
True but if I was a Lib Dem MP, I'd be far more afraid of another general election under the current electoral system than the one they're proposing.
wonder if he'll stand in Sheffield when the next general election is called?

or maybe Hendon instead
When does the proposed electoral reform stuff start going through parliament? Until then i imagine the Lib Dems will be firmly in Tory back pockets. In which case, i suppose they won't start working on it for a quite a while.

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