Nick Clegg and the Liberals

Only good thing is Labour will pick up the majority of Lib Dem voters.
It wouldn't surprise me if Clegg runs as a Tory MP in the future.
Daviesmcfc said:
How anyone can support this guy is beyond belief.

In the build up to the election :" It's outrageous students have to pay to go to university"

He described plans to raise tuition fees to 7,000 were "ludicrous"
He signed a pledge to vote AGAINST raising tuition fees. He campaigned saying he would ABOLISH tuition fees.
SO why Nick are you supporting raising fees to 9,000 a year!
But wait, he'll say " We had no idea of the financial situation"
Yet suddenly Cameron offers him a place in bed and he loses all his morals and values.

Every single LIB MP signed a pledge promising to vote against a vote in tuition fees.

They lied, they decieved the public and in all honesty the NUS have a point in calling for by elections in areas with Liberal MPs.

Honores mutant mores
The Lib-dem backbenchers will revolt and force a general election soon enough.

Clegg has sold his soul for 5 mins of fame and he has destroyed his own party.

Daviesmcfc said:
Only good thing is Labour will pick up the majority of Lib Dem voters.
It wouldn't surprise me if Clegg runs as a Tory MP in the future.

Good. Might help me get in. Bunch of arrogant Lib-Dems swan around Prestwich without an original thought in their collective head, doing nowt but riding on the coat-tails of everyone else's successes.
Nick Clegg realised that his party were never gonna win an election outright ..... he was probably their most popular ever leader , stood up well in those tv debates , and must have thought he had a great chance of winning outright ........ all the signs looked really good for him

but it wasn't to be , and he probably realised at that very disappointing moment when the votes were counted up that the Liberals were never really gonna get anywhere of note ....... so he did the next best thing , and decided that forming an alliance with Cameron was HIS personal best chance of ever getting into power!

There's no sentiment in politics!
Why does anyone vote anymore? You vote on the basis of what they say and promise and when your vote has got them in a posistion to act on those promises they tell you "only joking mega lolz"

I vote for the local elections, those who do have a change on my personal life.

Those in westminster can fuck themselves.
LibDems will lose all credibility if they back the tories on this one

3 - 5K they might have got away with it

9K per year, .......Feck off!!

30k in debt as they start out. JOKE!!!!!!

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