Nick Clegg and the Liberals

Lots of lefty Guardian types with Tory voter lifestyles and incomes voted Lib Dem because for all their pretend concern for the working class they really want nothing to do with them or their poorly behaved and educated children.

Cameron's Tory/Lab pact has left these people with nobody to vote for at the next election. That's a masterstroke which will probably win him a majority Tory government next time.
pee dubya said:
When does the proposed electoral reform stuff start going through parliament? Until then i imagine the Lib Dems will be firmly in Tory back pockets. In which case, i suppose they won't start working on it for a quite a while.

It won't get through. Tories will either vote against or abstain, labour will vote against. Lib Dems are dead as a party now anyway. Within 2 parliaments Clegg and all the other crypto-Tories will have crossed the floor.
I'd like to see an anti cuts candidate stand in saddleworth /oldham
test the water like

and labour stand aside
pee dubya said:
When does the proposed electoral reform stuff start going through parliament? Until then i imagine the Lib Dems will be firmly in Tory back pockets. In which case, i suppose they won't start working on it for a quite a while.
Referendum due in May. Governments are under no compulsion to act upon a referendum but so far the verdict of the very few we've had to date have been followed.
this referendum is a post script

no campaign will occur

it's only av anyway

another lib dem sell out they were always for full pr
kronkonite said:
this referendum is a post script

no campaign will occur

it's only av anyway

another lib dem sell out they were always for full pr
You're most likely right. Might not even get a 50% turnout which would make a campaign irrelevant - a campaign it seems only the Lib Dems have any enthusiasm for.

True. Still, I welcome any small improvement unless they hinder a greater one.

Again, true.
Yes, the Lib Dems have had it now. People in places with Lib Dem MPs will have to stop pretending they are all progressive and caring and vote Tory. Not many will vote Labour as they have more in common economically with the Tory voters than working class Labour voters. The Lib Dems mainly have MPs in nice middle class areas with histories of electing Tory MPs.

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