Nigel Farage

Fascist nobody being given too much airtime by his media mates.
Oh come on. Cut the guy and his fan base some slack.

Oh come on. Cut the guy and his fan base some slack.

Do you for one moment think the Nazis would have experience any discomfort or difficulty framing their actions positively within Utilitarianism, Kantian and Aristotelian virtue ethics? I think they'd have loved it. Sometimes people are just nasty to other people because they hate them.
Do you for one moment think the Nazis would have experience any discomfort or difficulty framing their actions positively within Utilitarianism, Kantian and Aristotelian virtue ethics? I think they'd have loved it. Sometimes people are just nasty to other people because they hate them.
There’s a lot of evidence that our moral judgements are made more or less instantaneously and we then try to find post hoc justifications for these gut feelings.

It’s pretty much the point I was making: ethical theories can be manipulated to make them say whatever you want them to say.

The most obvious example is Divine Command Ethics. If you have a large enough corpus of scripture, you can probably find a passage that validates what you feel like doing anyway. That’s the way it works rather than the other way around, as God bothers claim.

Unfortunately, there’s more bad news: the kinds of brains we have that make those snap ethical judgements are unevolved. They are basically suited to the time we lived together in tribes. That’s why we tend to watch out for people we identify with. But our empathy is circumscribed and god help anyone who falls outside our limited circle of concern.

This is why Farage has been so effective at generating an animus towards asylum seekers. He does it by playing on our pre-rational fear of ‘the Other’, the out-group. And so do other populists.

Given that the problems we face are global (climate change, the drafting of trade regulations, the preservation and protection of the environment and animal species, the future of nuclear power and the risks posed by nuclear proliferation, economic migrancy, asylum seeking, the maintenance of employment rights, and so on), the last thing we need right now are politicians like Farage, Meloni, Putin, Trump et al. who are advocating cures that are worse than the disease and corroding still further what little ability we have to sympathise with the marginalised and different with their fissiparous brand of politics.

So that’s why I find Farage utterly repellent.

But anyway, am off to see if there’s a thread about ‘Lozza’ Fox. Just found a very amusing tweet about him.
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There’s a lot of evidence that our moral judgements are made more or less instantaneously and we then try to find post hoc justifications for these gut feelings.

It’s pretty much the point I was making: ethical theories can be manipulated to make them say whatever you want them to say.

The most obvious example is Divine Command Ethics. If you have a large enough corpus of scripture, you can probably find a passage that validates what you feel like doing anyway. That’s the way it works rather than the other way around, as God bothers claim.

Unfortunately, there’s more bad news: the kinds of brains we have that make those snap ethical judgements are unevolved. They are basically suited to the time we lived together in tribes. That’s why we tend to watch out for people we identify with. But our empathy is circumscribed and god help anyone who falls outside our limited circle of concern.

This is why Farage has been so effective at generating an animus towards asylum seekers. He does it by playing on our pre-rational fear of ‘the Other’, the out-group. And so do other populists.

Given that the problems we face are global (climate change, the drafting of trade regulations, the preservation and protection of the environment and animal species, the future of nuclear power and the risks posed by nuclear proliferation, economic migrancy, asylum seeking, the maintenance of employment rights, and so on), the last thing we need right now are politicians like Farage, Meloni, Putin, Trump et al. who are advocating cures that are worse than the disease and corroding still further what little ability we have to sympathise with the marginalised and different with their fissiparous brand of politics.

So that’s why I find Farage utterly repellent.

But anyway, am off to see if there’s a thread about ‘Lozza’ Fox. Just found a very amusing tweet about him.
Nothing to disagree with there and I share your dislike of farage. Dangerous world when access to things like banking are governed by that hate though don't you think?

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