Nigel Farage

Nope , just Employers shit scared of a load of hassle .
They aren't giving them the job because of their race, which is discriminating.

The reason they aren't giving them the job is because they are assuming they might use the "race card" (which I assume means false accusations of racism, rather than genuine?). which is prejudice.

Who are these employers scared of?
At the end of the day Coutts is a business and can decide who they want as customers just like customers can decide who they want to do business with. I personally wouldn't want Farage anywhere near my business.
At the end of the day Coutts is a business and can decide who they want as customers just like customers can decide who they want to do business with. I personally wouldn't want Farage anywhere near my business.
So on that basis say a Bank based it’s decision on non commercial reasons dare I say religion or colour of skin, you would say that’s up to them and you are comfortable with that
A financial decision can be based on the damage caused by an association such as this, however. Whatever your politics, it is clear that Farage is a divisive figure, and unpalatable to many. This represents commercial risk.
I certainly agree that Farage is a hugely divisive hate figure but I see it the other way round oldius. Banks and indeed Companies generally should not punish people based on their distaste for views that fall within the law. There’s no commercial risk, Banking is, and should be, a private matter. Until this fuss I’d associated Farage with many things but never Coutts ! We’ve made huge progress on making discrimination of many kinds illegal and protecting minorities; it’s a mark of a civilised society and must include people holding views that are legal but you might not agree with. I’m disappointed that there is reticence to back a basic tenet that says all people are free to hold views that are within the law whether others find them acceptable or not.
They aren't giving them the job because of their race, which is discriminating.

The reason they aren't giving them the job is because they are assuming they might use the "race card" (which I assume means false accusations of racism, rather than genuine?). which is prejudice.

Who are these employers scared of?
Like it or loath it there are a lot of employees not as PC as some on here
They cannot control off the cuff remarks the employees see as banter
They will know of other cases where something has been blown out of all proportion.
Defending someone accused of prejudice or discrimination is a minefield so they stay well clear particularly in small organisations
I certainly agree that Farage is a hugely divisive hate figure but I see it the other way round oldius. Banks and indeed Companies generally should not punish people based on their distaste for views that fall within the law. There’s no commercial risk, Banking is, and should be, a private matter. Until this fuss I’d associated Farage with many things but never Coutts ! We’ve made huge progress on making discrimination of many kinds illegal and protecting minorities; it’s a mark of a civilised society and must include people holding views that are legal but you might not agree with. I’m disappointed that there is reticence to back a basic tenet that says all people are free to hold views that are within the law whether others find them acceptable or not.
It is so refreshing to see a sensible post on here now and again rather than the same old doctrine full of expletives
I certainly agree that Farage is a hugely divisive hate figure but I see it the other way round oldius. Banks and indeed Companies generally should not punish people based on their distaste for views that fall within the law. There’s no commercial risk, Banking is, and should be, a private matter. Until this fuss I’d associated Farage with many things but never Coutts ! We’ve made huge progress on making discrimination of many kinds illegal and protecting minorities; it’s a mark of a civilised society and must include people holding views that are legal but you might not agree with. I’m disappointed that there is reticence to back a basic tenet that says all people are free to hold views that are within the law whether others find them acceptable or not.
It is an excellent point.
Imagine I own a cafe. It is known for great coffee and superb service. It begins to be frequented by members of the National Front (I am not equating Farage here). As a consequence, the regular clientele decide to go elsewhere.

Any commercial enterprise is free to have clients with a range of political views. Clients are equally free to choose if they continue to support that commercial enterprise and this is why there is convergence between the commercial and political.

I am certainly one who increasingly supports companies whose virtues/ethics align with my own.
Yes who are so left-wing they chose to work for a private bank and serve the interests of the uber rich.

Seems very unlikely.
Christ you really do live in a sheltered world divorced from reality.
If you have a partner, hungry mouths to feed, a mortgage or rent to pay, principles are way down the list of priorities when your being offered a well paid secure job with a well known company.
Anyway I would have thought you would have jumped at the chance to work for Coutts seeing as they booted Farage out.
So on that basis say a Bank based it’s decision on non commercial reasons dare I say religion or colour of skin, you would say that’s up to them and you are comfortable with that
Of course not. I equated commercial reasons with potential PR damage.
A business refusing clients based on religion and skin colour would rightly damage its own reputation and fail commercially. Accepting Farage comes with PR risk.

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