Nigel Farage

what would his USP be? Brexit? Majority polled regret it now its going through and in any debate his pre-Brexit promises can be dragged out and put up against him.
Posh bank accounts for posh people? The Hoi Polloi can use Barclays?
Fishing? If he set foot in Hartlepool or Penzance he'd never get out alive.
Small boats ? Anybody capable of decent debate will crucify him telling him you cannot just send people anywhere without prior treaty agreement.
Pints and lbs ? A quick explanation as to the inflationary costs caused by business having to change packaging etc to accommodate that wet dream. Oh and the ending of so many exports - even treaty partners only accept metric weights and use Km's ffs.
I think he had his one big chance but he was another one sweet talked by Johnson into acting against his own interests and stood Brexit Party candidates down. In fact for many Brexiteers that act and the subsequent car crash that is Brexit contrary to what he promised them is another reason to shun him.

He doesn't need one.
Simply the threat that he'd run someone would be the concern, and keeps the less nutjobby MPs from breaking ranks while Braverman does Braverman things.

A candidate may only need get 1000 votes this time around to make a difference.

Meanwhile he can keep grifting and then not bother spending any on an actual election campaign.
The mail told them to do it mate, these CEO's are very easily led:-)

Whilst you're joking, there's a grain of truth in it - they have rightly resigned as they shouldn't be leaking info about a client regardless of how much of a dickhead he is, but the media circus around what is really a non-issue is ridiculous.
Whilst you're joking, there's a grain of truth in it - they have rightly resigned as they shouldn't be leaking info about a client regardless of how much of a dickhead he is, but the media circus around what is really a non-issue is ridiculous.
Its surprising how many people who are convinced the media have got it in for City fail to think similar forces may be at work when it comes to reporting current affairs and vice versa.
He may be a horrible person who has fucked up our democracy for the best part of a decade...

...but I've got to admit, nobody else can pull off stomach-churning smug self-righteousness quite like him.
He may be a horrible person who has fucked up our democracy for the best part of a decade...

...but I've got to admit, nobody else can pull off stomach-churning smug self-righteousness quite like him.
Chinless ****, him of course, not you. There aren't many people who I despise in this world, but he's definitely in the top 10. Such a loathsome individual.

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