Nigel Farage

Pretty much the whole of the right in politics uses fear as a political tool these days. It's quite effective too. The funny this is, I am much more afraid of the loss of the NHS than I am about seeing a few more black faces around. Many seem to be the opposite of this.

30 years ago you would never have seen a black person in the area where I live and only rarely an Asian. Now there are quite a few of them, although the biggest minority remain the local Jews. To be quite honest, I can't perceive much difference in terms of crime or personal danger. Some drug dealer got his car blown up a bit back, but he was a white guy. The scallies (a minority) from the council estate are all white, although I can't certify them as Anglo-Saxon as they all look alike.

Yet we have people out there who seem to think that any change is the end of civilisation. Labour is going to 'destroy' Britain. Really? After 14 years of gross incompetence and corruption, Labour is somehow going to finish our nation off altogether? What arrant bollocks! Yet people believe it. They really do.

The Daily Mail and its ilk are fear merchants. They want you to be afraid. Scared people often turn to bombastic simpletons with easy answers to complex questions, and that suits the Mail's political ends perfectly.
They don't feel it, but it plays to an audience who grew up with Love Thy Neighbour and Mind Your Language, who read the Daily Mail and Daily Express and absorb fear with every turn of the page. It is powerful to say that you are speaking up for the little guy who cannot get a hospital appointment now, or whose grandchildren cannot get a school place. There is absolutely nothing clever about him, what he says, or what he stands for. He is a one-trick-pony, inflaming for his own ends and those who fund him.
Yes, so if we deal with those resentments (school/hospital places etc) he will cease to have traction.
After the Southport murders, Farage decided it was really important that the ethnicity of the suspect should be released ASAP. The same doesn't seem to apply for the perpertrator of the murder of the 80 year old gentleman in Leicester. I wonder why?

could be he is somewhere in the world where he can't keep up with UK news? He certainly won't be anywhere near Clacton.

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