Nigel Gleghorn


Well-Known Member
11 Feb 2007
Gleghorn to##er

Listening in car. What a prick, negative tw.t

Worse than the rag media . Sack him

That is all
Every other week this muppet is having a pop at Roberto Mancini on Radio Manchester. Today we beat a good spurs side plus ref and linesman, and yet he is still being paid to slag off Bobby's "negative body language" and "poor tactics". He has been doing it for 2 or 3 years now, and for sure it would not be allowed to continue if it was the swamp summariser slagging off fergiscum on the same radio station.

Mancini is managing a big squad with a lot of good players and there is always something (a player not picked, a sub brought on) a negative kind of person can criticise, but frankly a guy who wins us our first major trophy for 34 years in his first full season in charge and then the League for the first time in 44 years the following season gets a fair bit of slack off me, and I am sick to death of this Sunderland first, Sjoke second, City third semi-coherent mumbler being paid good money to slag off our highest achieving manager since Joe Mercer - time to go Nigel, it really is
Theres some of that OP I don't agree with but I do agree with the general point that surely gmr can find a better explayer / pundit than him; no insight at all. Tbh I'd much rather have Fred Eyre back if it's a choice of the 2
Fred Ayre doing corporate duty on home games. Foghorn Leghorn needs to be plucked, roasted and stewed off!!! What did he ever do with City anyway - can't even remember supporting City while he played for us?? Andy Hinchcliffe was on of the best - can't they get him back?
I'd bring Swales back.

Or go to the odd game rather than listen to some shit radio commentator.
hes the same after every game hes had a bee in is bonnet over johnsons departure an constantly brings it up, thought today he might of been a bit more positive but no. instead of talking about the win lets slag mancini off an go over old ground.
kevstar said:
Fred Ayre doing corporate duty on home games. Foghorn Leghorn needs to be plucked, roasted and stewed off!!! What did he ever do with City anyway - can't even remember supporting City while he played for us?? Andy Hinchcliffe was on of the best - can't they get him back?

He went in goal once when the keeper was sent off, thats about it really. Shit player, shit pundit and not even a Manc on a Manc radio station. Baffling.

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