No Training Today?

BillyShears said:
shootmeifipost10k said:
You don't know my stance on Mancini but from your question I can only think you have already made the assumption I think he's the bees knees and should be allowed a free rein with no critics which is far from the truth.
As for the other question it's a stupid one to ask dont you think ?

There you go mate. Of course it's a stupid question - but it's as stupid as saying I started this thread to because I knew it'd turn into a "Mancini bashing" one. No, I didn't - far from it. What i expected was to have pages and pages of indignant rage from people saying exactly what you've said below but in a more abusive fashion. Instead it's been a pretty interesting thread with people both agreeing and disagreeing, for the most part, without making things unpleasant or personal.

Look Billy I know full well your stance on Mancini and respect your opinion on him and there is no better place than here to put that across,but there's no getting away from the fact that your time spent on here berating him by far outweigh time spent on here on other threads ,now that is your choice but you have to expect every now and then someone like me picking you up on it as this thread will and has already turned into a Mancini bashing one as it not.
I still stand by that it was you intention for it and again will say there are far and away enough on here as it is without another one or do you think there should be a few more.

Honestly, thanks for the critique, but you're wrong. There aren't loads of threads on the forum bashing Mancini, not even close. There are two (maybe three including this one) where people are voicing their displeasure at decisions he's made, but that's to be expected considering our recent results.

In a way I do admire your persistance Billy and fully understand the reasoning behind it but sometimes you do go a little over the top with it all and it does come across like you're a bit consumed with it.
I have to say this and it's more than likely wrong but the way you come across at times it does sound like you want to be proven right ,it's like you asking the silly question above which wasn't really needed and I could come back with it by saying do you want whats best for Mancini or whats best for Billy.

It's very simple. I want what's best for City. My opinion is that an absentee manager at a crucial stage of the season, when results and performances have dropped significantly, isn't a good thing. If that's perceived as Mancini bashing then tough shit on those who feel like that. It's how I feel and this forum is here for us to express how we feel about City.

Anyway Mancini is off scouting a couple young players in italy who are playing tonight so no rest for the wicked.

Once again, a lovely glib statement to make. Bending over backwards to paint him in a good light whilst not once being able to acknowledge that considering how poor we've been in recent weeks and months, maybe, just maybe, extra time at Carrington could possibly be a little more important than scouting a player he may not have the opportunity to sign if he doesn't have a job come the summer.

You started off your contributions to this thread by trying to make it about me rather than about the point I'm making, and you're continuing to do that. It's unfortunate as it takes away from what is clearly a subject worthy of some discussion.

If like you've just admitted you expected rage from posters when starting the thread why start it in the first place why not come up with something that you would think would be a decent discussion.

You know full well this day off would have been planned well in advance like I've already said a few times so what would be the point in changing that if it is part of the fitness routine and when players already have things planned, maybe a bit of squad disharmony thrown into the loss of form will do us some good.

The Mancini bashing may be only 3 titled but if you read through other threads some posters are quick to turn those into just that I take this one in point as you say he should be here rather than being in Italy, well what would be the point if the squad in advance was given the day off do you expect him to cancel his plans and stay at home.To me that's just saying something for affect as it serves as much purpose as him sat at home while the squad as the day off.

My lovely glib statement as you say is just that and I've no idea if it's true or not and it wasn't to paint him as some glorious shining knight in harmour but maybe if some photos come out tonight of him scouting some players I'll look like some mystic meg. But it's just as easy to put some one in a good light as it is bad you only have to look at yourself for that.

I've no idea what the outcome of his visit to Italy will be so I will not be calling him on it unlike your good self who is berating him about being away and our performance next weekend before the game has been played.

I might have missed it and no doubt you wouldn't have may I ask if anyone had a go at Mancini when it looked like he was watching Eden Hazzard play the other week he was after all out of the country.

I started out by saying what is the point in berating the manager and how it will affect the game against Arsenal when you don't even know the result, by all means if we play total shit this weekend have a go for him being out of the country and the squad having the day off but untill then to me it's just you having another reason.

Asenal will be a tough game the squad having the day off and mancini being out of the country while the players are not here is not going to change that no matter how much you try and convince people it will.

I'll finish by quoting what you yourself typed it speaks volumes.

What i expected was to have pages and pages of indignant rage from people saying exactly what you've said below but in a more abusive fashion. Instead it's been a pretty interesting thread with people both agreeing and disagreeing.
bluedan said:
There was me thinking the lads have got the day off away from the training pitch to rest and instead this morning have a team meeting analysing their performance from Saturday and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Arsenal team for this weekends game.


So why son't you throw your hat into the ring to become the next manager...F.F.Sake. Why is it poor..It takes 72hrs for your body to recover.Whats up with them having today off.?

Didn't realise is was the french foreign legion.!!
As poorly qualified as I am to denounce Mr. William Shears's words, I hope you will bear with me while I begin this sincere and earnest attempt. And please don't get mad with me if, in doing so, I must stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. The nub of what I intend to say here is that Mr. Shears is just trying to pick a fight. That's why he says that he can ignore rules, laws, and protocol without repercussion.

Forgive me if I ramble; I'm really upset, as I think you can tell. I hate to say this, but Mr. Shears is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every impractical ideology finds expression in William Shears. I'm convinced that he will taunt, deride, and generally vilipend his adversaries sometime soon. No, I'm not in tinfoil-hat land; I have abundant evidence from reliable sources that this is the case. For instance, Mr. Shears alleges that we should derive moral guidance from his glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented deeds. Naturally, this is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I didn't want to talk about this. I really didn't. But Mr. Shears's prevarications are designed to turn back the clock and repeal all the civil rights and anti-discrimination legislation now on the books. And they're working; they're having the desired effect. You may find it instructive to contrast the things I like with the things that Mr. Shears likes. I like listening to music. Mr. Shears likes playing on people's conscious and unconscious belief structures. I like kittens and puppies. Mr. Shears likes hammering away at the characters of all those who will not help him accelerate the natural tendency of civilization to devolve from order to chaos, liberty to tyranny, and virtue to vice. I like spending time with friends. Mr. Shears likes threatening anyone who's bold enough to state that his newsgroup postings are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of "tradition". Funny, that was the same term that Mr. Shears's followers once used to exhibit cruelty to animals.

The result of Mr. Shears's proposals will not be an increase in achievement but rather a decrease in expectations, so to speak. Mr. Shears parrots whatever ideas are fashionable at the moment. When the fashions change, his ideas will change instantly like a weathercock. He appears to have found a new tool to use to help him redefine success and obscure failure. That tool is philistinism, and if you watch him wield it you'll honestly see why when he says that his ultimata are Holy Writ, in his mind, that's supposed to end the argument. It's like he believes he has said something very profound. Really, Mr. Shears has written volumes about how 75 million years ago, a galactic tyrant named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Earth, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping H-bombs on them. Don't believe a word of it, though. The truth is that I personally want to live my life as I see fit. I can't do that while Mr. Shears still has the ability to withhold information and disseminate half-truths and whole lies.

Looking at it another way, rude dorks are often found at Mr. Shears's elbow. This suggests to me that Mr. Shears is the high priest of irreligionism. Be patient; I won't ask you to take that on faith. Rather, I'll provide irrefragable proof that I undoubtedly have a hard time reasoning with people who remain calm when they see Mr. Shears visiting misery and havoc upon countless millions.

Let me give you some important advice: Don't let Mr. Shears define you. Instead, show him that you're in control by commenting on a phenomenon that has and will continue to lead us, lemminglike, over the precipice of self-destruction. I insist that even the most unassertive milquetoast should be able to do something like that. At a minimum, you should remember that over the years, I've enjoyed a number of genuinely pleasurable (and pleasurably genuine) conversations with a variety of people who understand that you don't need to look far to see that Mr. Shears doesn't care much for airy-fairy things such as morality and integrity. In one such conversation, someone pointed out to me that Mr. Shears's choleric grievances have caused a deepening feeling of ennui and lethargy to grip society. Well, that's another story. To get back to my main point, I ought to mention that I believe I have finally figured out what makes people like Mr. Shears treat anyone who doesn't agree with him to a torrent of vitriol and vilification. It appears to be a combination of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of one's own moral propriety, and a total lack of exposure to the real world.

You don't have to say anything specifically about Mr. Shears for him to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that we should keep our courage up. The justification he gave for flouting all of society's rules was one of the most atrabilious justifications I've ever heard. It was so atrabilious, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: Rigid adherence to dogmatic purity will lead only to disunity while we clearly need unity to deal summarily with bad-tempered backstabbers.

Only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to give parents the means to protect their children. But the first step is to acknowledge that in his quest to paint pictures of primitive worlds inhabited by linguacious lie-virtuosi he has left no destructive scheme unutilized. If you think about it you'll see that Mr. Shears's soporific declamations are merely a distraction. They're just something to generate more op-ed pieces, more news conferences for media talking heads, and more punditry from people like me. Meanwhile, Mr. Shears's vicegerents are continuing their quiet work of advancing Mr. Shears's real goal, which is to waffle on all the issues. Even though Mr. Shears has aired his disapproval of being criticized, I still profess that I appreciate feedback and other people's views on subjects. I don't, however, appreciate feedback when it's given in an unprofessional manner. Do you ever get the feeling that he spews lies as easily as a cuttlefish squirts out ink? Well, you should because he fervently believes that he is a model citizen. This shows that he is not merely mistaken about one little fact among millions of facts but that Mr. Shears is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizens fight the good fight. Responsible citizens truly do not paint people of different races and cultures as piteous alien forces undermining the coherent national will.

An interesting sidebar to what I just wrote is that Mr. Shears is capable of only two things, namely whining and underhanded tricks. Astute observers have known for years that whenever anyone states the obvious—that his grandiose promises of plenty for each have yielded grinding poverty for all—discussion naturally progresses towards the question, "Why does he think that the Earth is flat?" The answer is rather depressing, but I'll tell you anyway. The answer begins with the observation that every time Mr. Shears tries, he gets increasingly successful in his attempts to make our lives miserable. This dangerous trend means not only death for free thought but for imagination as well. He is interpersonally exploitative. That is, he takes advantage of others to achieve his own belligerent ends. Why does he do that? To answer that rhetorical question let me just say that he finds reality too difficult to swallow. Or maybe it just gets lost between the sports and entertainment pages. In either case, Mr. Shears has indicated that if we don't let him create anomie then he'll be forced to increase people's stress and aggression. That's like putting rabid attack dogs in silk suits. In other words, Mr. Shears has issued us a thinly veiled threat that's intended primarily to scare us away from the realization that I'd peg the odds at about six to one that he will unfurl the flag of rowdyism eventually. If I'm wrong, I promise that I'll gladly react, on cue, to the trigger words that he has inserted into my mind by dint of endless repetition.

To say merely that it's time for Mr. Shears to get back on the reality bus is an understatement. I know more about aspheterism than most people. You might even say that I'm an expert on the subject. I can therefore state with confidence that Mr. Shears's "compromises" are based on hate. Hate, vandalism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. Think of Mr. Shears's principles as being the sum of two components: an irrational component that consists of Mr. Shears's desire to effectuate the downfall of all that is decent and civilized and a jejune component that consists of everything else. We are concerned primarily with the former. So, sorry for being so long-winded in this letter, but Mr. William Shears profits from human suffering.
I saw a thread a couple of days ago about agents on this forum.

However, what I've always find disappointing about Bluemoon is the insidious influence of players, present and past, their acolytes, club employees and their seemingly endless stream of PMs, that are in themselves the antithesis of what the forum is for. For me, the 'Free Tickets, Personal Gripes and Messages Brigade' only undermine the team and our support for them.

Anyway, I'm also sick of the end of season post-mortem that is going on when Mancini is the manager until May at the very least and the league isn't decided yet. All sensible opinions are welcome but discussing matters that are not yet decided seems both disloyal and a purile waste of time. I leave the hypothetical to those that seem obsessed with it [and the Special One]. CTID

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