No Training Today?

Day off is okay. Day off traveling all over Europe. Not okay.

Dzeko is in his home city according to his site. Everyone else is everywhere else it seems like.

Put them in a room, big screen....keep showing Arsenal games all day. Talk tactics. That should be a 'day off' for professional footballers FFS.

....or MAYBE Bobby went to Milan to discuss a new contract with Inter?!
shootmeifipost10k said:
You don't know my stance on Mancini but from your question I can only think you have already made the assumption I think he's the bees knees and should be allowed a free rein with no critics which is far from the truth.
As for the other question it's a stupid one to ask dont you think ?

There you go mate. Of course it's a stupid question - but it's as stupid as saying I started this thread to because I knew it'd turn into a "Mancini bashing" one. No, I didn't - far from it. What i expected was to have pages and pages of indignant rage from people saying exactly what you've said below but in a more abusive fashion. Instead it's been a pretty interesting thread with people both agreeing and disagreeing, for the most part, without making things unpleasant or personal.

Look Billy I know full well your stance on Mancini and respect your opinion on him and there is no better place than here to put that across,but there's no getting away from the fact that your time spent on here berating him by far outweigh time spent on here on other threads ,now that is your choice but you have to expect every now and then someone like me picking you up on it as this thread will and has already turned into a Mancini bashing one as it not.
I still stand by that it was you intention for it and again will say there are far and away enough on here as it is without another one or do you think there should be a few more.

Honestly, thanks for the critique, but you're wrong. There aren't loads of threads on the forum bashing Mancini, not even close. There are two (maybe three including this one) where people are voicing their displeasure at decisions he's made, but that's to be expected considering our recent results.

In a way I do admire your persistance Billy and fully understand the reasoning behind it but sometimes you do go a little over the top with it all and it does come across like you're a bit consumed with it.
I have to say this and it's more than likely wrong but the way you come across at times it does sound like you want to be proven right ,it's like you asking the silly question above which wasn't really needed and I could come back with it by saying do you want whats best for Mancini or whats best for Billy.

It's very simple. I want what's best for City. My opinion is that an absentee manager at a crucial stage of the season, when results and performances have dropped significantly, isn't a good thing. If that's perceived as Mancini bashing then tough shit on those who feel like that. It's how I feel and this forum is here for us to express how we feel about City.

Anyway Mancini is off scouting a couple young players in italy who are playing tonight so no rest for the wicked.

Once again, a lovely glib statement to make. Bending over backwards to paint him in a good light whilst not once being able to acknowledge that considering how poor we've been in recent weeks and months, maybe, just maybe, extra time at Carrington could possibly be a little more important than scouting a player he may not have the opportunity to sign if he doesn't have a job come the summer.

You started off your contributions to this thread by trying to make it about me rather than about the point I'm making, and you're continuing to do that. It's unfortunate as it takes away from what is clearly a subject worthy of some discussion.
im all for havin days off but why do thye need to travel all over the show we need to concentrate on the leuage not swannin of al the time, i asked a guy at carrington when do they train he said 11.-12.30, wtf, would like to see more passion from certain players balotelli, nasri, silvas been shite last month, any way if we dont win it top season
Now I may be wrong but we have heard that Dzeko is in his home city, NDJ has gone to Amsterdam, Zaba may be in Barcelona and the Management team are in Italy.

So that's 3 players and the Management team so what's all the fuss about? THREE players are out of the country, the rest are here, either playing golf, resting, spending time with their children/wife/family. All this hysteria is a bit OTT isn't it?

The Management team are watching Italian football and the Manager himself may be visiting his sick father so why are we getting so upset about it all?

Maybe I am wrong and every other player has also left the country in which case yes let's get upset but 3 players and one of whom didn't even get onto the pitch on Saturday (more's the pity) doesn't warrant this surely?
They have been training pretty much stop since last July,so fitness is not an issue

Why not give them the week off, say to them all, see you saturday.

That may clear the heads of those struggling mentally, because it looks to me that the team is mentally tired.
did they not have extended stay after Sporting Lisbon and a break before Chelsea, one last week and again this week
I have to say, the general perception is that Billy is dead set against Mancini and that sometimes this appears to be all consuming. So when he makes a valid point,as I believe he has in this case, people tend to go with the perception rather than the reality (Billy - hope you don't mind me referring to you in the third person).

I must say that I find it bizarre that at a time when the squad really need to be together (or should it be #together?), both physically and mentally, the exact opposite appears to be happening. Why would they need two days off, so soon after the last break they had? Even if it can be justified, why are there no guidelines set on where and what they should avoid doing in order to conserve energy and rest muscles? I don't know about you guys, but travel really takes it out of me, and I always end up tired and weary afterwards.

Why break the continuity and momentum that is all vital at this point. There are 7 (that's seven) games to go - the most important seven games of the season. This is when I expect the management and players to think and focus collectively on nothing else but winning those games. Nothing else matters (barring medical emergencies). I'm surprised the management AND players need to be reminded of this - I'm pretty sure that nobody at United needs to be!
Pathetic thread!

Do those who work not have time off? When do you expect people to have a couple of days off, do you not get Friday until Monday?

If Nige has flown to Amsterdam then it's quicker to do that than it is for me to drive home at weekend, and I'm not in 1st class.

Just wish I had the dosh to travel by plane rather than road, now that can really tire you out when you're doing it every week. Where did Nige have to get to? Oh, that was it, 20 minutes chauffeur driven to Ringway!
The Future's Blue said:
Pathetic thread!

Do those who work not have time off? When do you expect people to have a couple of days off, do you not get Friday until Monday?

If Nige has flown to Amsterdam then it's quicker to do that than it is for me to drive home at weekend, and I'm not in 1st class.

Just wish I had the dosh to travel by plane rather than road, now that can really tire you out when you're doing it every week. Where did Nige have to get to? Oh, that was it, 20 minutes chauffeur driven to Ringway!

I understand your point, but even if they're "working" 6 days a week, or sometimes 7 in November/December, their work day is about 2-4 hours long.

You get burnt out in any walk of life, no matter how much money you're making, I agree, but what's this, at least 3 weeks in a row, that we know about any way, where everyone jettisons for a day or two? Baconface has got it right again I'm afraid, took the whole first team on a team bonding week. It's why we have the superior talent but the inferior team.
For what it's worth, Mancini is in Italy (with his backroom staff) checking out a couple of training camps for pre-season. He's already viewed one in Portugal (day after Sporting Lisbon match) and one in Turkey so he's clearly making sure pre-season is as successful as last year.

Not sure it's great timing mind, but there you go...

I agree with the majority on here - a day off or two is fine. Especially as they look knackered. But to allow them to fly all over Europe instead of resting is entirely beyond me.

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