North Stand Construction Discussion

No I don't but I'm just pointing out to the poster that people don't pay to go in airport lounges and then don't bother having any food and drink. For some weird reason, he thinks otherwise!
Some people pay to go in and enjoy the 'adults only no phones' section, lie on the recliners and enjoy a bit of p & q.

They have no interest in cold bacon sandwiches, luke warm tea or cheap booze that they wouldn't eat or drink at home.

Others behave like the buffet burglars seen at some weddings & hotels and try and clear the place of f & b which they can't eat, and leave.

Each to their own eh !!
I can't see City charging for entry into City Square. That seems ridiculous. You'd make far more revenue from the bars/eateries by having it as free access than you would charging an entry fee I'd have thought. I think any argument over it should be reserved until we actually know it's going to cost to get in.
Yep, I agree mate. It wasn't me that suggested they might. It was Blue Maverick and I only got embroiled in the debate because another poster started chatting shit about airport lounges!

Back on topic, I'll be looking forward to what the new City Square/City Hall will have to offer. I'm a huge fan of food and drink halls like Society and Freight Island and I think there will be something there for everyone. I do wonder if there might be some priority access given to ticket holders in that stand though as clearly it's going to be ridiculously popular with the fans.
Tell you what mate. I'm off to Portugal 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm going to pay to go in an airport lounge just for your sake and while I'm in there stuffing my face and getting pissed, I'll survey every fucker else who is in there and find out if anyone has been so stupid as to pay for access while not availing of any of the refreshments. I'll PM you my findings. Is that ok? If it is, then I suggest you shut the fuck up for now and allow the thread to get back on topic!
Chapeau to you pal.

You can book in advance and reserve a good seat with great visibility.

However you might have to "shut the fuck up" cos if you get pissed you might not ge be allowed on your flight !!

Keep us informed of your findings, and remember the rules aboot photos.

I rather like Portugal.

ps..if you're missing any home games pm me I might be interested in your tickets.
Do either of you actually think City will charge entry to the biggest fan zone on the main convourse level that is the entrance to the whole stand?

If you don't, this is a bit of a pointless argument.
Not initially for general access, but if any areas become 'Club Class' some membership fee could be payable.

If its run well it'll be very popular.
I can't see City charging for entry into City Square. That seems ridiculous. You'd make far more revenue from the bars/eateries by having it as free access than you would charging an entry fee I'd have thought. I think any argument over it should be reserved until we actually know it's going to cost to get in.

I don’t want to get in the middle of a domestic. But I’ve always thought from the start that City have massively under estimated the demand for this. 3k seems like a small capacity- I expected it to be nearer to 8-10k. With a build it and they will come attitude. Especially as there’s fuck all else around the ground. I also wondered why CFG don’t open up Coop Live pre match and turn it into a ‘beer hall’.
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Yep, I agree mate. It wasn't me that suggested they might. It was Blue Maverick and I only got embroiled in the debate because another poster started chatting shit about airport lounges!

Back on topic, I'll be looking forward to what the new City Square/City Hall will have to offer. I'm a huge fan of food and drink halls like Society and Freight Island and I think there will be something there for everyone. I do wonder if there might be some priority access given to ticket holders in that stand though as clearly it's going to be ridiculously popular with the fans.

I know mate, although if you do carry out a survey I've not done an airport lounge before. More a wetherspoons kind of guy pre-flight!

In terms of capacity I think that's where there could be an issue because it will be limited for safety reasons. But naturally over time it will reach its peak because people will avoid it if it's too centred on a certain audience or it takes an age to get a beer. If that doesn't happen then they'll have to either look to make people reserve spaces or indeed charge entry.

From a commercial perspective I can see the club looking to charge entry to maximise revenue, maybe you get a free programme or something with your ticket to incentivise it...or a free drink who knows. But I do think that you'll end up making more if it's free entry and people come and happily spend their money.
I don’t want to get in the middle of a domestic. But I’ve always through from the start that City have massively under estimated the demand for this. 3k seems like a small capacity- I expected it to be nearer to 8-10k. With a build it and they will come attitude. Especially as there’s fuck all else around the ground. I also wondered why CFG open up Coop Live pre match and turn it into a ‘beer hall’.

It depends who they're targeting with it to be honest.

We've all got desires for the NS to be a new home end which means by and large the demographic will be more laddish beer drinkers. In which case you get people there early by having bars, food and sticking sky sports on the screens around the ground.

But if it's more of a family/tourist place where they're looking to put on more family friendly entertainment and attract that demographic then I don't think you'll get 8-10k turning up. Those fans will end up sacking it off and sticking to the pubs in town or close to the ground.

Capacity wise it is quite small. Their whole justification transport wise was about it being a destination and people coming and staying for longer. Obviously there's more to come with the collar site, but I can't see a 3k City Square preventing the current transport issues! Again, depends on who the extra seats go to as if they are to people who only come to a game or two a season then they'll likely get to the ground early and make a day of it.
Tell you what mate. I'm off to Portugal 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm going to pay to go in an airport lounge just for your sake and while I'm in there stuffing my face and getting pissed, I'll survey every fucker else who is in there and find out if anyone has been so stupid as to pay for access while not availing of any of the refreshments. I'll PM you my findings. Is that ok? If it is, then I suggest you shut the fuck up for now and allow the thread to get back on topic!

You can put me down for one. I do the CIP lounge at Dalaman every year. Food and drink is absolute shite but a) I get a comfy seat for a (usually) long wait and b) it gets me away from noisy bastards.
Got some great pictures from my walk round last night of the north stand , can’t seem to upload the pictures as it’s too big for the server to handle it says .
any ideas ?

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