North Stand Construction Discussion

It depends who they're targeting with it to be honest.

We've all got desires for the NS to be a new home end which means by and large the demographic will be more laddish beer drinkers. In which case you get people there early by having bars, food and sticking sky sports on the screens around the ground.

But if it's more of a family/tourist place where they're looking to put on more family friendly entertainment and attract that demographic then I don't think you'll get 8-10k turning up. Those fans will end up sacking it off and sticking to the pubs in town or close to the ground.

Capacity wise it is quite small. Their whole justification transport wise was about it being a destination and people coming and staying for longer. Obviously there's more to come with the collar site, but I can't see a 3k City Square preventing the current transport issues! Again, depends on who the extra seats go to as if they are to people who only come to a game or two a season then they'll likely get to the ground early and make a day of it.

City Hall inside the stand might be where the crowd you talk about go (looks like a bigger and better version of the new south stand bar) while other fans stay in City Square.
I can't see City charging for entry into City Square. That seems ridiculous. You'd make far more revenue from the bars/eateries by having it as free access than you would charging an entry fee I'd have thought. I think any argument over it should be reserved until we actually know it's going to cost to get in.
As if they will charge to get in...get real
You can put me down for one. I do the CIP lounge at Dalaman every year. Food and drink is absolute shite but a) I get a comfy seat for a (usually) long wait and b) it gets me away from noisy bastards.
According to some on here that's rather strange behaviour.

Apparently you're supposed to get pissed and eat the buffet.

Nowt as fanny as folk eh !!
Thanks, obviously not ready as they have said previously it will be open on match days, it will cost them a fortune in loss revenue though.
I do hope they’re not thinking of ditching the idea, access to coffee, snacks and toilets would be welcome after the game while the tram queue dwindles. Probably not needed for 3pm games just yet but when the weather worsens I think it would be useful until City Sq opens.
I do hope they’re not thinking of ditching the idea, access to coffee, snacks and toilets would be welcome after the game while the tram queue dwindles. Probably not needed for 3pm games just yet but when the weather worsens I think it would be useful until City Sq opens.
Its supposedly opening none match days so its just a matter of time i expect.
No I don't but I'm just pointing out to the poster that people don't pay to go in airport lounges and then don't bother having any food and drink. For some weird reason, he thinks otherwise!

I used to go in Airport lounges all the time with work - I didn’t pay since it was part of the business class ticket…. It was a better environment to wait but I rarely ate or drank anything.

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