North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing for alterations to the Etihad Stadium North Stand and adjoining land to provide an overall increase in Stadium capacity, hospitality, and concourse facilities available for use both during and outside of event days, an ancillary TV Studio (Sui Generis), a Roof-Walk Attraction (Use Class F1(c)) together with the erection of a 9 storey, 391 bed hotel (Use Class C1) with a further 10 suites provided within the North Stand of the Etihad Stadium for hotel or hospitality space (Use Class C1 / Sui Generis); restaurant at Level 1 (Use Class C1 / Class E), erection of an 8-storey building comprising: a new Club Shop and Ticket Office (
How exciting, shame its not a 1000 room hotel
The polling of members and saying so on twitter, I can see why that would have made sense and was ultimately the fair thing to do amongst the group.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think it is worth pointing out. I did find the way the rest of the tweet was worded quite jarring, and I didn't really like it. It reads like it starts from a position of distrust, and like you are almost in conflict with the club rather than working with them on this. Particularly labouring the part about not having been listened to and not being on board like the consultation stated. And if it IS the report as part of the planning app, then the two are not really the same thing. I held off making that point on here because I didn't want to look like I am moaning about the work 1894 do which I would say I generally admire. But while you are engaging on it, it is my own view and possibly worth pointing out a take you may not have considered, in case it may read the same to others. Or the club itself.
I suspect this 1894 behaviour stems from the ST price increases
Nobody knows what discussions have taken place between the club and 1894.

Unfortunately there is a lot of mistrust between sections of our support and the club ATM.

Hopefully City Matters and 1894 will release some positive info and news regarding the North stand, and in particular North stand level 2, in the near future?

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