Not eating a lot

johnny on the spot

Well-Known Member
19 Jul 2006
It's probably not normal that I don't eat as much as I should. I have an active, outdoor profession but just don't feel the need to eat when everyone else does. I don't look particularly thin and other than work I don't specifically exercise. I eat like a bird in restaurants and have pretty much gone off food for the last year or so. Any advice on increasing appetite?
johnny on the spot said:
It's probably not normal that I don't eat as much as I should. I have an active, outdoor profession but just don't feel the need to eat when everyone else does. I don't look particularly thin and other than work I don't specifically exercise. I eat like a bird in restaurants and have pretty much gone off food for the last year or so. Any advice on increasing appetite?

Are you Posh Spice?
The Flash said:
johnny on the spot said:
It's probably not normal that I don't eat as much as I should. I have an active, outdoor profession but just don't feel the need to eat when everyone else does. I don't look particularly thin and other than work I don't specifically exercise. I eat like a bird in restaurants and have pretty much gone off food for the last year or so. Any advice on increasing appetite?

Are you Posh Spice?

Lord no.

Just avoiding food a lot, especially carbohydrates. Used to love spuds and pasta but I just steer wide of them now. Never used to be fussy like this and it's a bit weird.
too be honest... theres no proven way of increasing appetite. theres herbal pills you can take to apparently increase your metabolism so you digest food quicker therefore making you seem more hungry...

then again your appetite could be to how quick you chew food. the more you chew your food the more your brain thinks its eating therefore you feel full quicker having eaten only a smaller amount... this method is how the homeless so to speak can feel full of a biscuit.

Try the pills, get a 100 capsule bottle or a small bottle from your pharmacy or health shop and try them, if it doesnt increase dont purchase again, as these herbal products do not work with everyone!
Hamann Pineapple said:
I used to drink like a fish, stopped about 12 months ago, now I eat like a horse. Do you drink much ?

Gave it up 2 months ago (with a weekend's blip in between).
Why do you want to increase your appetite?
You say you're not too thin and I'm guessing that you're not struggling at work with fatigue seeing as you haven't mentioned it.

Of the three girls we have, the twelve year old eats pretty normally albeit very quickly, one eats as much as the twelve year old despite only just turning four and the eight year old eats about half as much as the four year old but has just as much energy and can run over 3k without getting out of breath. Other half did a monitored run with her a few weeks ago and she came in, had a drink and looked like she'd run a bath not a couple of miles.

I wouldn't worry about it if your look and feel ok.

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