Obama - The Big Issue........

Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i would never listen to Fox News apart from to have a laugh, in honesty i cannot remember where i read it but it was quite a long article. I also have friends in America that voted for him and wish to fuck they hadnt now. Wont be the case with everyone but he hasnt exactly been the saviour they were all hoping for
If you look at American spending you'll find it's been out of control (i.e. big deficit spending) for a long long time starting with Reagan, apart from a brief respite in the Clinton years. If America is bankrupt the idea that it's solely down to Obama is beyond ridiculous. This debt problem has been looming for the past thirty years, not the last three.

Mate, don't bother, it's just tiring to explain to Yanks, never mind Brits...
Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i would never listen to Fox News apart from to have a laugh, in honesty i cannot remember where i read it but it was quite a long article. I also have friends in America that voted for him and wish to fuck they hadnt now. Wont be the case with everyone but he hasnt exactly been the saviour they were all hoping for
If you look at American spending you'll find it's been out of control for a long long time starting with Reagan, apart from a brief respite in the Clinton years. If America is bankrupt the idea that it's solely down to Obama is beyond ridiculous. This debt problem has been looming for the past thirty years, not the last three.
No i wrote that wrong he hasnt taken the right steps to address it and America has now started to think copying Britain may be a good idea for them to cut there debt. Obamas idea to cut the debt was to spend and increase production and therefore GDP but it has failed massivly and they are way more in the shit than before. Im no expert in this, its just what i read. No 1 is blaming Obama for the debt it would be like blaming Cameron for our debt but they are blaming him for not getting to grips with it, which is funnily enough the exact opposite argument as we have in this country
Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i would never listen to Fox News apart from to have a laugh, in honesty i cannot remember where i read it but it was quite a long article. I also have friends in America that voted for him and wish to fuck they hadnt now. Wont be the case with everyone but he hasnt exactly been the saviour they were all hoping for
If you look at American spending you'll find it's been out of control (i.e. big deficit spending) for a long long time starting with Reagan, apart from a brief respite in the Clinton years. If America is bankrupt the idea that it's solely down to Obama is beyond ridiculous. This debt problem has been looming for the past thirty years, not the last three.

Hockey stick anyone?
Gelsons Dad said:
Skashion said:
If you look at American spending you'll find it's been out of control (i.e. big deficit spending) for a long long time starting with Reagan, apart from a brief respite in the Clinton years. If America is bankrupt the idea that it's solely down to Obama is beyond ridiculous. This debt problem has been looming for the past thirty years, not the last three.

Hockey stick anyone?

Your gonna have to help me with this mate
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Markt85 said:
Long may Obama continue, god knows the state of the world had he not won the election

You do know he is considered to be an utter failure as a President and being held wholly responsible for the fact America may go bankrupt

You do know they say this about every american President and will do so in the future
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i wrote that wrong he hasnt taken the right steps to address it and America has now started to think copying Britain may be a good idea for them to cut there debt. Obamas idea to cut the debt was to spend and increase production and therefore GDP but it has failed massivly and they are way more in the shit than before. Im no expert in this, its just what i read. No 1 is blaming Obama for the debt it would be like blaming Cameron for our debt but they are blaming him for not getting to grips with it, which is funnily enough the exact opposite argument as we have in this country

President and being held wholly responsible for the fact America may go bankrupt
Unless you're saying the debt built up under previous presidents would have nothing to do with a bankruptcy (which would be absurd), then I've no idea where you're coming from.

Spending/reducing taxes in a recession is not a bad idea but it has to be based on surpluses which have been built up in growth years. Obama's been left in the shit in that respect.
Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
No i wrote that wrong he hasnt taken the right steps to address it and America has now started to think copying Britain may be a good idea for them to cut there debt. Obamas idea to cut the debt was to spend and increase production and therefore GDP but it has failed massivly and they are way more in the shit than before. Im no expert in this, its just what i read. No 1 is blaming Obama for the debt it would be like blaming Cameron for our debt but they are blaming him for not getting to grips with it, which is funnily enough the exact opposite argument as we have in this country

President and being held wholly responsible for the fact America may go bankrupt
Unless you're saying the debt built up under previous presidents would have nothing to do with a bankruptcy (which would be absurd), then I've no idea where you're coming from.

Spending/reducing taxes in a recession is not a bad idea but it has to be based on surpluses which have been built up in growth years. Obama's been left in the shit in that respect.

I did say im no expert and you are obviously a big Obama fan. I say bring back Clinton and his presidential blowjobs
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I did say im no expert and you are obviously a big Obama fan. I say bring back Clinton and his presidential blowjobs
I'm no expert either. I am not a big Obama fan. I'm a fan of the truth. The truth is that America (and most other western countries) have spent beyond their means for the past thirty years. Not just governments but people as well.
Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I did say im no expert and you are obviously a big Obama fan. I say bring back Clinton and his presidential blowjobs
I'm no expert either. I am not a big Obama fan. I'm a fan of the truth. The truth is that America (and most other western countries) have spent beyond their means for the past thirty years. Not just governments but people as well.

Well yeah thats the truth, wasnt there some banker about 10 years before it happened saying the economy was being built on promises and that it would all collapse? HE was basically made to disappear by the banks so they could continue

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