When I was at primary school in between learning the alphabet we sang the Battle of Jarama, paid homage to Lenin and then skipped into the playground for a game of lets kick the fascist kids. My teacher, a product of Moscow State university and former member of the KGB then read us Das Kapital and Enid Blyton.
When I went to secondary school, my teacher who was a former member of Che Guevera's personal bodyguard taught us woodwork and we all made wooden figurines of Trotsky to take home as mothers day presents.
At University my lecturer in sustainability had studied at Havana university and was best mates with Fidel Castro's daughters best mates window cleaner.
When I worked for the BBC the EGM was a former lighting technician responsible for the lighting on the Soviet patriotic war film "two soldiers", the make up artist was the daughter of Boris Andreyev who starred in the film and everyday she painted the crews toenails with red stars.
My Prof at Salford Royal once treated Pol Pot for herpes and is that much of lefty he walks with a limp and is prone to break out into rousing renditions of the Internationale whilst performing surgery on Tories.
So you have us bang to rights on that front.