Obscure questions that need answering

It feels like a trick question, but what I would say is Bluemoon is enjoyable at this time of night when you've been out drinking in Liverpool and you're back home
Surely everything is an improvement when the comparison is being in Liverpool vs. not being in Liverpool?
If no one goes to a theatre show or cinema, for a perfomance, is it still shown?

where do the random pools of water found on floors sometimes with no apparent sign of leaks come from?
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Given that most theories with a basis in string theory believe there are more than 4 spacetime dimensions and that often only one of those dimensions is time, where in 'space time' do they exist if they don't exist in 'space' and they don't exist in 'time' (if you don't think of 'time' as a dimension of 'space'). And if they exist in 'time', surely that means there is a better likelihood they could lead to faster than light travel anyway?

String theory isn't very well supported evidentially. Or it is, but not in the way that people think.

Higher dimensions exist in string theory because after the tried to make the math work, various physicists couldn't so one possible solution was to add higher dimensions to explain where a bunch of hidden remainders went. It would be a little like adding 2 + 2 then getting 9 so saying that the answer in our 3 spatial dimensions is 4 but the 5 reminder is spread into their own very tightly wound undetectable dimensions.

String theory is wrong. We know this already. However what the real answer is will look a lot like string theory in some parts so it's useful to keep studying.

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