[Official] Guardiola to manage City next season

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Guardiola confirmed to City... what does this mean for us?


"Liverpool won every single league title during the 80s, and then boom the 90s came and they fell away. United are moving in a similar fashion."

"That's the fear. City doing Bayern-like football-based business. Utd are trail & erroring for the 3rd year running with no real plan for the future that we know of other than Ed getting plenty of sponsors to keep the Glazers pockets lined with cash."

"It means no title in the next 3 years with the structure in charge (Giggs or LvG).
It also means it's more and more likely we'll turn into another AC Milan or Liverpool. I still have a little bit of faith but this summer will be make or break for us.
But don't worry anyway we'll be the number 1 in Forbes List next year."

" It's a bit pathetic really. Who cares about support and history when there's a shiny new toy. Secretly Man City fans will be feeling apathetic towards this. Why appoint Pep when in two years there will be a hot new manager to court. City used to pride themselves on their homegrown appeal, local fans and commitment. Now they have to put up with this."

" If Mou is not our next manager, we are going down the liverpool way"

" Pep to City - Giggs to United. The perfect storm of our demise continues"

" I can't wait till we finish ahead of City next year, and we all look back to this thread and laugh. Have some backbone FFS, remember the "Mourinho will win every league for the next three years" thread."

" We are fecked."

" Roles have been reversed unless we tread very carefully, and by carefully I mean drastically."

" Further proof our club is run by a massive bunch of imbeciles.

They're happy for us to enjoy LvG, losses, draws, horrible football, more losses, philosophy, Giggs, more losses, routine sponsor announcements, pisstake press conferences, no trophies, declining youth facilities, dodgy signings, Woody, more losses, shit football, and all the while they're also happy for our neighbours to overtake us"

" A predictably embarrassing meltdown"

" With Pep, now city have one of the best coach, will definitely attract the best players and the best youth prospects, backed by their unlimited funds. This could have been an enticing prospect to the rivalry. We have a lot of ground to make up"

" Bring back Fergie!!"

" Another sad day in the office."

" City are about 3 steps ahead, in most aspects, to be fair."

" I prefer Mourinho"

" We'll carry on making money selling shirts while they build their reputation by winning trophies and signing all the best players."

" No disrespect to Sir Bobby, but to have an out-of-touch dinosaur like him high up the ranks in terms of how the club is being run is plain baffling for a club like United"

" It means we're a complete mess with no plans. I mentioned in a previous LVG out thread that the only logical reason I could think of that he was still in a job would be if we had Pep lined up for the summer. If the club's plan is to hire Giggs then why not just sack LVG and give him the job now while the club is at it's lowest point? Same goes for Mourinho.

Keeping LVG in a job would be a smart play if we had Pep lined up because giving the job to Giggs in the short term is risky if he proves to be a success their would be a swell of support for him to have it on a permanent basis.

Now that Pep is gone to City and Carlo to Bayern our inaction makes no sense. If you want Mourinho give it to him now, same for Giggs."

" Giggs should be pissing off right now. Has no place trying to go up against Guardiola ffs! It would fecking ruin us and I'm not being overly dramatic. Giggs just doesn't have the know-how, intelligence nor charisma for the United job - that's just the reality I'm afraid.

Have a feeling that if Mourinho got the job he'd be revitalised and would relish going up against Pep. Would be fun viewing as well. But the decision makers at our club - only God knows what they're going to do"

" Well, my day is ruined. feck you Woodward and our board. Let's keep giving LVG one game game at a time while our rivals change their manager (who's been pretty good) to the best in the world. Appalling."

" We'll never win anything ever again and are doomed."

" we're being left in City's dust in terms of how to run a football club"

" our club being run by clowns"

" It means City dominating domestically for the next three years. As things stand, it's time to face another three years of mediocrity."

" Thank God. Finally I won't log on here and see the continual posts begging for Pep. He's a blue nose now. Screw him. Hope he makes a right royal balls of it. We'll always, always be the bigger club."

" Meh... City are ahead of us now and they'll be ahead of us next season - Unless attitudes at the Club change."

" We need to get our fecking act together because this can get really really messy now."

" Unfortunately, if we want to compete with City for next few years, we might have to get Mourinho to park the bus.... that could be our only hope."

" Hopefully the City team will implode now and lose out on top 4"

" Let's be realistic. City are ahead of us at the moment even with Pellegrini. From that perspective not much is going to change unless there's massive changes at United."

" The board needs to act now but I have 0 faith in that. Ed Woodward in my eyes is simply a moron."

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Woooo!!! Fucking buzzing!!!!
Phones going into meltdown!! What a move for our amazing club!
Just like to say massive thanks and big up for Manuel!! You have done an immense job, and can't Thankyou enough! Good luck in whatever you take on next
MCFC!!! Get in!!!!
Reporter on sky Germany saying pep didn't consider or talk to any other clubs. Talks started in 2012
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