Official Manchester City v Wigan Athletic thread.

Re: official manchester city v wigan athletic thread

ah im worried about this one i have a feeling they are going to do us over again. swp is still out for this one along with ireland. hopefully another signing should be completed before this game. Im hoping for either a DM or a CB, as we can still play sturridge and caecedo upfront, or even better studge on the right with robinho on the left to give us more pace on either side. id be inclinde to play the following formation






Ive put clayton in instead of Elano because i dont think Elano is in it for City anymore... basically he is a ****.
blue 1992 said:
i'll think we can turn em over, there on a good run and someone has to end it, i think we'll end it.


zabba dunne richards bridge


wiess robinho clayton


2-1 city (robinho, richards and valencia).

Wow mate what have you been smoking?

Only 10 players for a start
Our record against Wigan is ridiculously bad, I'm not sure if we've ever beaten them in the Premier League. Having said that Wigan have a tough game against United midweek whereas we've had a fortnight's rest (3 weeks if you count the cup game when most of our side didn't bother to show up). We SHOULD be able to beat a team like Wigan, especially at home. Wigan are on a great run of results, the best form in the Premiership at the moment, but I fancy us to beat them confortably on Saturday. We're long overdue a good result against them so I'm going for the trusty old 3-0 City.
I think we will hump them. Simply because we are due give someone a doing and they have been on a good run which has to end soon.

4-0 Studge 2, Vince , Rob
Its embarrasing that a "big city" club like us have never come close to beating a "small town" team like Wigan in 4 years in the Premier League. In fact they have put 4 past us on a couple of occasions. So it is high time we gave them a good stuffing and this coming game is the time to do it. If we cant beat the likes of Wigan at home then we really are a poor team and deserve to be in the mire.
For the first time in my 50 years, as a birthday present Mr Ed + family are going corporate for this game. So I'll be there when the gates open at 12 o'clock and leave when they boot me out 6 o'clock. We never beat Wigan, but hopefully we will this time. Come on City!!

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