Official Stoke City v Manchester City thread

i would like to see some competetion for SWP place(tin hat time)
because for me he hasn`t really been the same player pre -chelsea.
i know he`s been messed around abit ,midfield ect. but cant remember the last time he beat a player or put in a decent cross.
The problem with SWP is that he usually has 2 marking him at any given time. He seems to get past the first person, but there's always someone else to mop it up and shoulder-charge him in to the stands.
Arsenal 0-0 West Ham
Aston Villa 0-0 Wigan
Bolton 2-0 Tottenham
Fulham 1-0 Portsmouth
Hull 1-1 West Brom
Middlesbrough 0-0 Blackburn

Results are going for us at the moment with the exception of Fulham. Could do with Arse and Villa winning though
magoo said:

THIS with knobs on

Its a fair an accurate report in my opinion. I will be embarrased when I have to go and face my workmates trying to defend that display against a 10 man pub team.
2 Days rest since Newcastle for a game vs the most physical team in the league. Have we had that excuse yet?

Ahwell, i'm still hoping for top half, then push on next season.
I haven't bothered to go back and read what's been posted, but I bet few have given much dredit to Stoke. Their fans and the effort from their players was great. It was played like a Cup Final.

I thought City did OK in the 1st half, and their goal came out of the blue. I think we would have gone on to win it had they not scored.

Small ground, and Stoke defending very deep nullified the pace in City's team. We needed a focal point for the attack

Elano did well when coming on, and Bellamy did OK. Apart from that, most City players were below par.

I think we should remember that going to Stoke is a unique challenge, and only Chelsea, Utd and Everton have won there. Utd won somewhat fortunately with a very late goal.

In games like these it's a war of attrition, and the first goal is crucial. They got it and from then on they defended for their lives.

Great noise. I just wish some City fans would get behind City in the same way that Stoke did. Reminded me of the 2nd Div days at Maine Rd
Marvin said:
I haven't bothered to go back and read what's been posted, but I bet few have given much dredit to Stoke. Their fans and the effort from their players was great. It was played like a Cup Final.

I thought City did OK in the 1st half, and their goal came out of the blue. I think we would have gone on to win it had they not scored.

Small ground, and Stoke defending very deep nullified the pace in City's team. We needed a focal point for the attack

Elano did well when coming on, and Bellamy did OK. Apart from that, most City players were below par.

I think we should remember that going to Stoke is a unique challenge, and only Chelsea, Utd and Everton have won there. Utd won somewhat fortunately with a very late goal.

In games like these it's a war of attrition, and the first goal is crucial. They got it and from then on they defended for their lives.

Great noise. I just wish some City fans would get behind City in the same way that Stoke did. Reminded me of the 2nd Div days at Maine Rd

It was one of about 7 more cup finals at home we will play this season. We are not winning any friends but any team coming to the Brit will need to be up for it and quite simply your players were not.

Good luck for the rest of the season. I know that none of your fans want Stoke to survive but with home games to come against Portsmouth, Bolton, Boro, Newcastle, Blackburn, West Ham And Wigan we've got one hell of a chance.
I prefer Stoke to Bolton, Boro, Blackburn etc. Not bothered about the style of football - you do what you have to do to win. If you've got the resources, then that's a different matter.

City needed a bit of width, and a target man today. Our big players, SWP and Robinho didn't perform, but we needed a target man to hold the ball up. Depends on how the game pans out - sometimes having pacy tricky forwards is an asset, but when the defence sit deep, then the pace is nullified

Good Luck for rest of the season. We'll try and do you a favour next week and beat the Smoggies

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