Oh the nerves!!

city stew

Well-Known Member
3 Sep 2008
Would every 1 be so nervous if it was blackburn or villa I've been pacing the house done some miles today lol.. butterflies been driving me bonkers
For some reason i'm not so nervous today ..... it's almost as if i expect City to let me down , it's happened so often.

But we don't often lose semi-finals once we've actually managed to reach them , and we could well be 'fated' to win this one ...... so maybe it's the rags who should spend a little time worrying!

The rags have to come out and attack us tonite , and it might well prove to be their downfall.
black mamba said:
For some reason i'm not so nervous today ..... it's almost as if i expect City to let me down , it's happened so often.

But we don't often lose semi-finals once we've actually managed to reach them , and we could well be 'fated' to win this one ...... so maybe it's the rags who should spend a little time worrying!

The rags have to come out and attack us tonite , and it might well prove to be their downfall.

I know exactly how you feel, tbh I'm going there tonight expecting not to make it to wembley, just so that if we don't it might not hurt as much.
Just be glad you don't have anxiety disorder like I do, I feel like this sitting through matches against Hull, Wigan, Scunthorpe or whoever! Must admit though, the derby gives me that extra bit of unbearable anxiety... wouldn't be so bad if my family wasn't full of rags, just waiting to rub it in if we lose.
The fact that is seems like camelmouth is playing after all is incentive enough for Mancio and the Boys in Blue, surely? The rags are quite obviously bloody terrified of us or they'd be paying lip-service to the game.

Bring it on!!

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