Old Maine Road photos thread

I was just going to write that Gary James's "Farewell to Maine Road" is a fabulous book, with innumerable photos of the old ground. The ultimate record of what was once a great stadium.
Thanks. It's been out of print since about 2004 but I've scanned it and a PDF of it is available to subscribers to my website:

Manchester A Football History and my first book From Maine Men to Banana Citizens is also there for subscribers plus lots more on Maine Road.
Can’t make out if it’s benches or seats in Platt Lane.
Leeds smashed them up in ‘90’iirc,
So could also be late ‘80’s maybe?
It's between 1985 and 1986... the fences are a big giveaway and the Platt Lane is away fans only by the looks of it. So the Platt Lane became away for the 1985-87 season and I'd have to check but I'm pretty certain the Kippax fence was made higher than this in 1987. In 1984-85 the original fence was still in front of the white wall. Then in 1985-86 it was placed on top of the white wall - that's how it looks on that photo. Then after the pitch invasion in 1985-86 (full members cup) we were warned it was going to go higher and they added that angled bit at the top which is not on this photo, so it predated that.

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