Ole Gunnar talking rubbish about City (merged)

Re: Ole Gunnar talking rubbish about City

Unknown_Genius said:
He just had to throw the Munich air crash into it. He just had to didn't he.

They all do it. I don't think I've seen that prick Charlton speak in an interview without mumbling something about Munich.

For those that have looked into the tragedy know about the way United treated some of the survivors. Bobby it is something that I'd be ashamed of.
BBC news bias - again

Yet again biased coverage by the BBC, watching the news this morning and the sport section comes on, guess what? an interview with Ole Gunner in Norway FFS!! - No talk about City, just the usual bias around Ushited, I don't normally get annoyed, and I know I can just vote with my feet and turn over, but this is the BBC, supposed to be objective and all that??????
Re: BBC news bias - again

Correct. We can switch channels but are still unjustifiably forced to pay for this shite if you own a telly. It's an institution that should be privatised. Bloated Bullshitting Corruption is what this lazy, overfed behemoth really stands for.
Re: BBC news bias - again

ignore the twats, it'll make it so much sweeter when we batter them.

Re: BBC news bias - again

hutton who blue said:
Correct. We can switch channels but are still unjustifiably forced to pay for this shite if you own a telly. It's an institution that should be privatised. Bloated Bullshitting Corruption is what this lazy, overfed behemoth really stands for.

I guess what annoys me the most is that we (the licence payers) should be properly represented by the BBC, I know sky and ITV being commercial organisations pander to the London centric clubs, Ushited, Arse, Chelski, spuds etc but the rest of the nation support their own clubs, Ushited and Chelski get so much coverage on the BBC, even look north west carried a story on Chelski, Benitez and Torres ffs. I don't mind hearing from other clubs as long as City get a fair share of the air time, with the same amount of interviews with ex players - some of who must still love City ??? I guess its gonna take years of success for City to get objective and fair coverage, hope we beat the scum tomorrow and continue the success !
Re: BBC news bias - again

Not seen the interview you saying the bbc went all the way to Norway to talk about the derby?
Re: Ole Gunnar talking rubbish about City

Prestwich_Blue said:
waspish said:
Not seen the interview you saying the bbc went all the way to Norway to talk about the derby?
They tried to find a rag that could string two words together in England but couldn't.

Arr right it makes sense now...
Refuse to watch any of the build up to this match. Just want to get in that stadium and get it over with.

They are gobby gobshites.

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