Osama Bin Laden is dead.

malg said:
Longsight-memories said:
Was watching this last night on the telly.. in my opinion the yanks have done this totally wrong..
If they had him in sight they should have just taken him out without the publicity, this has been done to give Obama a PR coup..problems i see ahead are many..You can guarantee the Pakistanis knew where he was and are involved with him..that brings in a nightmare scenario of a nuke going off in
Some western country just hope its not the UK
I agree with some of this. I think this is a huge PR moment for Obama, and he is milking it for all it is worth. He's off to Ground Zero today to make sure he gets every single bit of air time he can. There was too much use of the 'I' word in his speech when announcing it - it just doesn't feel right. The worst thing I can say about the bloke is that he reminds me of Bliar.

Is BID LADEN the best SUN CREAM IN THE WORLD? it stops heat dead in its tracks
Longsight-memories said:
I have an open mind.. how many did Dust Bin kill at the most 10000 ?

And how many did Bush Jnr kill a million+ and fucked up two or 3 countries along the way..who is the bigger terrorist?[/quote]

I hate to say it but I agree. He also succeeded in helping the terrorists achieve their goals by having us give up our liberties in order to feel safe. America isn't what it used to be, now the government can look at your mail, moniter your phone conversations and hold any citizen indefinitely without ever charging them or giving them access to a lawyer. Unfortunately President Obama hasn't given up these powers.

W will always be remembered as a horrible stain on America and the rest of the world.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Do you have any better evidence to prove that Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust?

Yes, the Nazi party were a large group headed up by a single figure. Several people below Hitler have all blamed him directly, and documentation was found to support this (if I have my history right).

What are your thoughts on people who suggest that perhaps the Holocaust was an inside job by the Jews?

Idiots, why is this relevant to anything?

As someone who has lost someone because of Al Qaeda, I find your posts extremely insensitive.

Then you owe it to yourself to actually do some research on Al-Qaeda. AQ isn't an organisation and it never has been; it's a very, very loose confederation of small groups with their own regional issues. Fighting Al-Qaeda is exactly the same as fighting Terror. You can't do it, it only exists if you label it.

Think of it this way; do you know why we haven't cured cancer yet? Here's a comic explaining it:


Al-Qaeda is exactly the same. You can't beat it because it doesn't exist in a single form. Know where the 9/11 guy was actually based pre-US? Germany, and he actually met his funders in Spain.

The people who blew up on 7/7 were all British and according to even our own government, Al-Qaeda had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Al-Qaeda also had nothing to do with the train bombings in Spain, according to their own investigations.

The Taliban isn't Al-Qaeda either, it's another local force. The US demanded that they hand over OBL to them, but the Taliban said that they would only do so if they showed them the evidence that he was guilty. The US said "well, we just know he is", and invaded Afghanistan.

Al-Qaeda doesn't exist in Iraq and there's a good amount of evidence to show that it probably never did. There's a small group that were known as Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn, who later changed their name to Al-Qaeda Iraq in 2004 who are closer to a mafia than a terror organisation. They get their funding through ransoms and thefts, not from any central agency.

Al-Qaeda is a franchise that small groups cling on to to attract attention. Killing Bin Laden achieves nothing towards this aim.
President Bush tried and failed.
President Clinton tried and failed.
President Obama tried and succeeded.

The moral of this is...
If you want someone dead, hire a black man.

oh how i love sickipedia :)

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