100%. My missus is Korean too, actually half but born and raised in Seoul.
She's fairly laid back in general compared to most but it's part of the culture for sure, especially when it comes to customer service and public service. I get it to a point, why shouldn't people expect a good standard of service, but you've got to have a bit of understanding that things can't always be perfect.
The second point is true too. You see things about some tin pot Korean rapper caught smoking a bit of weed and its like the biggest scandal you've ever seen. You'd think they mainlined heroin into their cock on TV then killed someone. Of course their culture is different but I think the reactions to some things are way overboard.
Like the ex mayor topped himself over some sexual harassment allegation. Obviously you can't say he wouldn't have anyway, but there's a good chance he wouldn't if it wasn't for the culture of going after someone.
I'm moving there in April actually. I really like the place though but yeah, some of the cultural differences in these kind of things are probably quite alien to your average brit when you see it up close.
I say she's laid back compared to most, but she definitely knows how to tap into that level of virtuosity of being a complainer when it comes to me!!
I lived there for 8 years. Massive cultural differences, but love it there in general. Been back in the UK for a year, but we've already discussed going back to Seoul eventually for good.
Whereabouts you moving to?