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You're a nob though aren't you.
I dont think he is. Thats exactly what is happening.
I’d definitely call it ruthless if we’ve convinced Denayer to sign a new 5 year deal on the premise of him getting first team game time, to only a month later make a signing that virtually guarantees he won’t get a sniff of Premier League football.

It’s not just that we might lose Denayer either, it’s the message it sends to the rest of the EDS lads or other young talents we look to bring to the club.
Otamendi is regarded as one of the best cb's in the world. Our management team stated months ago that if the best players are attainable, we'll try and bring them.
I'm sure that if Ramos truly wanted to leave Real ,we'd have tried to get him. Thankfully though, everyone could see that he just wanted a new contract. (well, almost everyone)

Haha. As Lawrenson sarcastically put it on 5live last night, when they were discussing the Ramos situation, "Wow, none of us saw that coming did we?"
I'm predicting quite a few reds.

Every tackle from him seems to be him diving in, in a get the ball or be sent off situation. It's great when it comes off but he can't be doing that every game in this league. We've already got Vinny who's prone to doing that, we need somebody a bit calmer who reads the play better, stands up, has the pace to match anyone and isn't forced into that situation. AKA Mangala

Just checked his card history and it's actually very good for a centre back, only sent off once last year. So perhaps his timing is impeccable.
Let's be honest, our staff have loads of experience in international football and their records speak for themselves.
When people say that they are fuming and throwing strops, do they seriously think that they know more than our management? We're all outsiders that don't know their intentions and plans.
Let's just get these players in and see how things unfold.
I have watched a few vids of him since we became interested and (you can mock me if you disagree) IMO this lad could do a Nige job disrupt play a kind of enforcer job
Smart signing. Always difficult to sign central defenders (and for them to live up to expectations), but I think we now have a formidable defensive unit. I particularly like the familiarity between them all. I think out of our potential CB partnerships only Kompany/Otamendi haven't played together before. 2 seasons of Demi/Kompany, 1 season Demi/Kompany,Mangala for us. Otamendi/Mangala (and Fernando as anchorman) at Porto, and obviously Demi/Otamendi (+Zaba) at international level.
no idea mate. Once he tells my mate I don't like badgering for detail as he is at work. he said will be announced tomorrow. Dont know why sorry.
So if denayer has a another great season on loan what happens next season? he would still be behind three centre backs

Maybe the masterplan is to revert kompany back into midfield? or even denayer.

Imo Denayer cannot yet be relied upon to be a regular cb in City's team, but he is a top footballer, better on the ball imo than any of our cbs & also imo he will quickly be better than these guys as a 1v1 defender. He is a fucking mightmare to get past. Sagna played a blinder v Chelsea but imo Denayer could piss that rightback job, no problem at all, or Fernando's job sitting in midfield & if we played 3 at the back he would be better at it than any of these fuckers.
No way would he be sent out of the club before this age of money. He would get in the team regularly in some position. Or Utd's.

That should happen now. Fuck somebody else off, not Jason. Play him.
If Stones is going to Chelsea, Denayer to Everton on loan would make perfect sense IMO.
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