
Why Always Ste

Well-Known Member
15 Oct 2009
111 South Stand
The most physically painful experience of your life?

Been knocked out a few times, broken noses and so on but at that moment in time I didn't feel much, over-rated on the pain scale lol

For me:
Cycling on a main road at high speeds, hit a pothole and went over the handlebars and smashed the back of my head (weakest part of the skull) straight into the tarmac.
Was unconscious for a few seconds, all I saw was stars and rushed for my bike onto the path as a car was approaching me.
I can still feel the pain now when I think about it
When i was younger about 10 my grandma lived on a farm and she decided to have a pond made.

The pond was about 8ft deep with no water in yet. and my younger brother pushed me in as i was looking over the edge.

i fell and landed on my elbow which then got dislocated. never ever screamed so much in my life.
Sorry mate, but once Stuart sees this thread he'll make a branding iron on the bollocks sound like a tickle under the chin. That guy has out pained us all and come through it.
Hope you are better Stu.
sliced the top of my finger off with a stanley about 5 years ago.
had a grey sweatshirt on,it matched my face.
got the missing bit,held it back in place for about 5 mins,then stuck a plaster on it.
2 days later,it was fine.No bone damage,only skin,but fukn sore.
sliced the top of my finger off with a stanley about 5 years ago.
had a grey sweatshirt on,it matched my face.
got the missing bit,held it back in place for about 5 mins,then stuck a plaster on it.
2 days later,it was fine.No bone damage,only skin,but fukn sore.

Scrabster Six said:
Fractured my ankle a few years ago but hospital told me it wasnt a break so tried walking on it for a day or so before calling me back to tell me it was broke.

Similar for me, broke my arm playing football but my dad said it wasnt broke so just bandaged it up. Was riding on my bike to school and i realised that it wasnt getting any better, went to hospital and it was broke in 2 places and required an op. Was in absoloute agony when it happened and went very pale, the pain went after a few hours so thats why i listened to my dad, never again though
A darning needle through my thumb- bone, nail, the lot. I was stitching a pair of sandals for someone. The sandal was stuck to my thumb and the weight of it made it worse. Nice.
Stood on a plank once and the nail went right through my foot and out of the top of my boot. Having to stand on the other end of the plank to get it off wasn't nice.
Incidently, my old next door neighbour was the first person in the country to have microsurgery. The guy in the next bed had been climbing a tree when he slipped and caught a branch in his wedding ring, ripping his finger off.
When I was a kid on my new BMX it was raining so heading back to the house I went too far and misjudged the turned and crashed into a 3 foot wall sending me tumbling into the neigbours garden. Got up with a few scratches and went into the house to get a right telling off from my ma for ripping my new coat.
Nothing worst than a fall off a bike when your not expecting it the clatter from the road or the footpath is bad. I havnt broken much but playing football I went over on my ankle spraining my ankle ligament my ankle was like a balloon I thought I broken the fucking thing went for x=ray to find out i just sprained the fucker.

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