
fbloke said:
OK then.

Age about 15, climbing in through a window (locked out no keys etc) i got 3/4 the way through and got my trousers caught in the sticky up thingy on the window opener thingy - on an old window.

As I was balanced there I realised all I could do is chuck myself in and aim for the bed.

I landed OK but the sticky up thingy had gouged a cut out of my leg 9" long and 1/2 wide and about as deep as well.

I was pissing blood all over the gaff and couldnt stand as it had torn the muscle.

Not pleasant.

I have also dislocated both thumbs and three seperate fingers at different times and they can be painful, especially when self treating.

Pushed through a first floor plate glass window at school, landed on my neck/shoulder that smarted.

Brick chucked at my head which was obviously split open. That one left me dizzy and covered in claret from head to toe, quite literally.

Possibly the most painful thing though was when a fucking numpty **** showed me how to get the mud of my boots on a building site by pouring water on one in the cabin, from the n fucking kettle after it had just clicked off!

Never, I repeat NEVER remove you boot or sock in that instance as the pain is unbelievable.

It took 3 weeks before I could even put a thin sock on and 2 months before I could walk in shoes.

I do have more but I still bow my head to Stu.
come on.. your jsut bloody showing off now.
SteSteez said:
The most physically painful experience of your life?

Been knocked out a few times, broken noses and so on but at that moment in time I didn't feel much, over-rated on the pain scale lol

For me:
Cycling on a main road at high speeds, hit a pothole and went over the handlebars and smashed the back of my head (weakest part of the skull) straight into the tarmac.
Was unconscious for a few seconds, all I saw was stars and rushed for my bike onto the path as a car was approaching me.
I can still feel the pain now when I think about it

not running around the astroturf last monday night then?! ;-)

had a car crash and tried to stick me knee through the dash board, ended up snappin me knee cap in half and tearing the patella tendon. ended up full of morphine for the next 3 days!!
JoeMercer'sWay said:
i've broken my collarbone before, can't remember if it hurt or not, all I know is that I was convinced to go to hospital. Got smacked around the head by an 18 year old on a bike when I was 12, the second worst has to be breaking my ankle playing rugby, maybe the stupid decision to not go to hospital and walk around on it all day. The worst was straining my knee ligaments as a kid, couldn't walk properly for about a month/2 months, had a permanent limp it was horrible.
I broke my collar bone sledging down Mam Tor on a frozen stream. Before I got to the bottom and certain death, I rolled off it only to whack myself into a rock. The pain was similar to a kick in the bollocks. I felt a khunt in A&E. It was third time in two weeks I'd been there and this time I had my leg in plaster from a previous visit. There I was, telling them I'd been sledging with my leg in plaster and suffering from a prolapsed disc. Knob 'ed.
u2fme2 said:
fbloke said:
OK then.

Age about 15, climbing in through a window (locked out no keys etc) i got 3/4 the way through and got my trousers caught in the sticky up thingy on the window opener thingy - on an old window.

As I was balanced there I realised all I could do is chuck myself in and aim for the bed.

I landed OK but the sticky up thingy had gouged a cut out of my leg 9" long and 1/2 wide and about as deep as well.

I was pissing blood all over the gaff and couldnt stand as it had torn the muscle.

Not pleasant.

I have also dislocated both thumbs and three seperate fingers at different times and they can be painful, especially when self treating.

Pushed through a first floor plate glass window at school, landed on my neck/shoulder that smarted.

Brick chucked at my head which was obviously split open. That one left me dizzy and covered in claret from head to toe, quite literally.

Possibly the most painful thing though was when a fucking numpty **** showed me how to get the mud of my boots on a building site by pouring water on one in the cabin, from the n fucking kettle after it had just clicked off!

Never, I repeat NEVER remove you boot or sock in that instance as the pain is unbelievable.

It took 3 weeks before I could even put a thin sock on and 2 months before I could walk in shoes.

I do have more but I still bow my head to Stu.
come on.. your jsut bloody showing off now.

You should see my passport application.

And distinguishing marks...........any chance of a second page?
oh i forgot...once i went to just jump onto my bed and sprawl(as you do after a long day) and all I felt was this massive sharp pain in my leg as one of the springs had broken and this sharp piece had forced its way into my leg, blood followed and i had to flip my mattress over. It had gone straight through my mattress, jeans and leg. we bought a trampoline after that.

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