He clearly is. I disagree with what he’s saying, but don’t really like this trend of claiming people aren’t Blues for having different opinions.
He doesn't have a "different opinion". He is literally depreciating Manchester's history.
These kind of people should understand that is not possible to erase the history.
Yes, slavery is wrong, but it IS in the history books and no matter how much you dislike it, it will be there forever.
As I said previously in this thread, Egypt's pyramids were also made by slaves. More than half of the things that we consider "masterpieces" are related with slavery, robbery, and many other "bad" things.
Following this mentality, we should destroy all of them. We should burn every book that speaks about the past, because we consider it is "not correct".
We should eliminate everything and live in a fantasy world in where nobody is offended by the things that happened in the past, isn't it that?
This is not a Man City or Man United issue. I think that both sides of Manchester should be together in this and shut the mouths of this people.
You don't like our history? I respect you, but that doesn't give you the right of try to change it.