It depends on how much you can bite your tongue really mate.
You can live somewhere and have a lifestyle that certainly someone such as myself never thought possible, where every weekend is like a holiday and the standard of living is amazing.
However, and this is difficult, you can't put a foot out of place or you're fucked. There is no free press and no real freedom to challenge anything. So lots of things begin to grate after a while and one just had to take it on the chin and accept it as being the price you pay for living where you do. I personally, after two and a half years, still think the benefits outweigh the downsides, but I love where I live on The Pearl (Qatar's version of the Palm, Dubai). But lots of people tend to have a 2-4 year 'lifespan' here.
I miss the UK and City lots though every game is televised which is some small benefit. But I have to say, when I look on Facebook during the week, it's my UK mates doing the majority of moaning about life and work. I guess the grass can always seem greener and it's up to the individual to make the most of where and when they are in their life.
Personally I'd recommend it for anyone that can get a good job out here. It certainly gives you a different view of things.
Expats like the red on Reddit may have a moan in the safely of Internet anonymity but I can honestly say I've never once met an Emirati or Qatari national that has ever moaned about the rulers, they have no need to. They don't pay interest on their mortgages, pay for utilities and average wage for them is well over $150k per year. Why would they?