Our New found wealth is not helping us.

mct said:
Hold on a minute ,how can you say the new found wealth is`nt helping us ! ADUG came in at the last hour or so and pulled of a great scoop with robhino ,then the transrer window closed till now so obviously we could`nt buy anyone, january is a hard window to buy,does`nt matter how much money you have,alot of people on here think we can buy anyone anytime cos we`re minted(maybe not your self).
This club will come good but not over night.

I think Robinho was the exception rather than the norm value for money wise, from here on in we will be paying similar fees for very average players.

It does not matter how rich you are, you can still end up looking ridiculous paying fees of £20 000 000 for a player who has done nothing this season.

And please don’t get me wrong ADUG taking over was a great thing, and I have no doubt in my mind at the end of this season away from scrutiny we will conduct some great bits of business and the future is definitely blue.
mct said:
Hold on a minute ,how can you say the new found wealth is`nt helping us ! ADUG came in at the last hour or so and pulled of a great scoop with robhino ,then the transrer window closed till now so obviously we could`nt buy anyone, january is a hard window to buy,does`nt matter how much money you have,alot of people on here think we can buy anyone anytime cos we`re minted(maybe not your self).
This club will come good but not over night.

Good post. January window is always bad, players are always more expensive. RSC @ £20m is a rip off but I cant see us paying that may be 17-18 but we didnt help ourselves by paying 18 for Jo, we set the presidence.
The player comes with a lot of baggage, considering our well documented spats and clicks in the dressing room is it really a wise thing to do?
Kinky Dribbler said:
The biggest problem with the new found wealth is the rocketing 'expectations' (which, judging by the 'Hughes out' mob should more accurately be called 'demands to be met immediately or else') that we are now under.
The same thing happened to Chelsea when Abramovich took over.. do any of us really think that SWP was ever worth £21m?
Did Cook ever really think we wouldn't be forced into overpaying for players? There's nothing we can do, the other clubs don't have to sell, and our league position means that they can hike the prices up further cause of how desperate we are.
As for 'breaking the bank for world class players'... who can you realistically see wanting to come to play for us who is 'world class'?
Personally I think the squad we have at the moment is good enough to comfortably finish in the top half, and we will improve greatly in 2009. I'd rather see the current squad pick up some form than add people like Bellamy to it.
good reply i agree,must admit i think signing bellamy would be a step backwards.

Expectations should be higher and quite rightly so. When we are paying big money for players and top wages the bar should and has to be raised otherwise we'll never achieve anything.

Last season ninth I think was the lowest position and Hughes took over and £70m was spent to add quality to the squad.

Now I'm not expecting overnight success or 'let's get the open-top bus out of the garage' sort of thing but I don't expect to be struggling a couple of points above the bottom three, winning one game a month either.

Many of us have been looking forward to January and statements made with some confidence on other posts have led us to believe that 2/3 deals were done and dusted and all that was needed was to fax the paperwork through on Jan 1 and within 72 hours they're on board.

I know it's early days but I can't be alone in thinking that we would have 3/4 new players going in to the Portsmouth game.

I also expected to be going after a better class of player than journeymen like Bellamy and Parker but it has been said before and even Gary Cook has admitted that these are the types of players Mark Hughes prefers to manage rather than the big names.
How can the money mean that our players think they have no future here and are all getting replaced when the bulk of the targets consist of average Prem players like Scott Parker and Bellamey?

Why would players like Dunne, Richards, Hart, etc and a team full of players like Robinho, Ireland, SWP, Kompany, Zabletta feel so threatened by the arrival of these types of players that they decide they are just going to play shit and throw their reputations and careers away?

It doesn't work like that. I suspect it doesn't even work like that for the likes of Ball and Vassell, players who have spent lrge chunks of their careers under the knowledge that they might be on the list to be shipped out of their clubs. They haven't just chucked the towel in before. Why now?

Elano and Hammann I might believe but only if they have personal problems with the manager.

Oh, and as for rocketing expectations. My expectations go no further than mid table and a couple of cup wins.

Is that too much to ask?

Perhaps it is cos Hughes has failed to get anywhere near it so far.

The new found wealth is helping one person. Mark Hughes.

If it wasn't for that he wouldn't have people banging on about giving him the chance to buy all these players in the transfer window to solve the shit he has got us into. What other manager gets to spend £100m on top of a previous £80m to get them out of the shit results they have been responsible for. I should think he for one is very grateful for the cash.
well said. The type pf player willing to come just coz we'll pay them loads isnt the kind I want to see in a blue shirt.

Id rather have players who are coming to improve this club not their wallets
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
How can the money mean that our players think they have no future here and are all getting replaced when the bulk of the targets consist of average Prem players like Scott Parker and Bellamey?

Why would players like Dunne, Richards, Hart, etc and a team full of players like Robinho, Ireland, SWP, Kompany, Zabletta feel so threatened by the arrival of these types of players that they decide they are just going to play shit and throw their reputations and careers away?

It doesn't work like that. I suspect it doesn't even work like that for the likes of Ball and Vassell, players who have spent lrge chunks of their careers under the knowledge that they might be on the list to be shipped out of their clubs. They haven't just chucked the towel in before. Why now?

Elano and Hammann I might believe but only if they have personal problems with the manager.

Oh, and as for rocketing expectations. My expectations go no further than mid table and a couple of cup wins.

Is that too much to ask?

Perhaps it is cos Hughes has failed to get anywhere near it so far.

The new found wealth is helping one person. Mark Hughes.

If it wasn't for that he wouldn't have people banging on about giving him the chance to buy all these players in the transfer window to solve the shit he has got us into. What other manager gets to spend £100m on top of a previous £80m to get them out of the shit results they have been responsible for. I should think he for one is very grateful for the cash.
so our recent decline is attributed to what if the reason is not that the players are not good enough ??
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
The new found wealth is helping one person. Mark Hughes.

If it wasn't for that he wouldn't have people banging on about giving him the chance to buy all these players in the transfer window to solve the shit he has got us into. What other manager gets to spend £100m on top of a previous £80m to get them out of the shit results they have been responsible for. I should think he for one is very grateful for the cash.

And not given us one hint of something positive happening since he got here. I would be much happuier giving him time if i could see what he was trying to achieve, but aside from spending the Arab Millions and hoping for the best, i see no benefit of his tenure to date.
We can only get there in a series of steps. Not a big bang oh look we are a big CL club full of stars mentality.

We will need the big name manager to get many of the big names - unless Hughes lifts a trophy or gets us Top 6 minimum so that players can see we are genuine CL contenders. Obviously we are way off that.

Like the players Hughes is hardly going to be going at it flat out if he thinks he is going to be replaced in the summer (or tomorrow). The club and the fans therefore need to back him properly and lets see what he can do. He may surprise us and lead us to the promised land.

That means we have to build at a slightly slower pace. Let Hughes sign the Prem League standard players that he knows intimately because he has managed them or watched them playing against his teams. Meanwhile let ADUG pursue the next Robinho or two that will start to impact on big player perception and help attract more CL standard players in the summer.

Then lets see what Hughes has managed to do over the second half of the season and go from there in the summer. Either he and his team have shown that he is worth another season and more cash in the summer, or he has demonstrated that he is not that man, in which case we replace him with Raf/ Jose/ Guss/ Whoever and give them their head in the transfer market and a full summer to get to grips with the squad.

Hughes signings will tell us much this window. If we see more Zabba's and Vinny's then he may yet surprise many. If it's all ex-cronies and sell-by's then his fate is sealed imo.

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