Our own "Green & gold..."

Prestwich_Blue said:
johnny crossan said:
As Admin you knew all along that Didsbury Dave was Chris Bailey and Prestwich Blue was Jimmy Wagge
and you didn't tell us - cruel
It's Wagg. No 'e'. If you're going to out me at least get my name right.

Now you know you changed it by deed poll to conceal the fact that Cantona's mother is your aunt. Let's be straightforward about this at least, no more wild theories please.
Better late than never

Can't believe I've only just seen this. Can't believe how many fell for this. Like DD said it really does highlight the morons of bluemoon.

Great work P_B
johnny crossan said:
stony said:
Don't worry Johnny, God will punish them.
Allah will punish them too, in fact he already has according to ZMZ who got it off a doorman - Jose to Real is a done deal

ITK alert, Johnny knew over 2 months in advance about Jose, ;)
Prestwich_Blue said:
Bit disappointed it never made the mainstream press. After all, my "Is Khaldoon Al Mubarak the new Peter Swales?" wind-up made it into The Guardian. Danny Taylor's usually pretty reliable in that respect.


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