Our relationship with the Champions League

Not really. I enjoyed the win but certainly didn't "feel it" like a Premier League match. Shit competition, corrupt organisation that runs it and bent officials. I get that the players love it and the club regards it very highly but I'm still not overly bothered about it in any meaningful sense. However, the away trips are immense and to be fair, we've been involved in some good matches recently. Maybe it will come with time but I doubt it.
I think Martin Samuel put it best in his daily mail column, we ain't the UEFA Angels and will not get decisions our way. We are looked at with contempt, pretty sure our feelings are mutual on the European stage.
When you have the likes of Gil working with them, actively trying to help the scum out I don't know how we can have anything other than an acrimonious relationship with the whole affair.
I find it funny how we boo the anthem and then at the end of it people go 'come on city!!!' If you don't like UEFA, surely you wouldn't enjoy a competition they made?
We ?

I don't much like the FA, but I go to FA cup games, doesn't mean I don't like the competition, just the people that run it, same with UEFA. 53000+ turn up to support their team, in whatever competition they are in.
would love to win it this year. no one can say they didn't enjoy last night, one of the best victories in years. uefa are corrupt, but so are the fa and the premier league. it doesnt mean i as a fan dont want to win them though
Absolutely not.

I think the format is bogus, the decisions made by UEFA are Stalinesque, the seeding is corrupt and the favouritism shown by officials laughably clear.

Even if you ignore the treatment City have received from UEFA in terms of FFP and fines for racism/timekeeping many of the above concerns devalue the competition in my eyes.

Give me the old European Cup and I might find it more appealing.
Nail on the head fbloke.

Might have felt differently if I had not witnessed blatant cheating by the officials last night,which just reinforced what I have felt all along.
So we win the trophy and celebrate a competition and organisation that we hate?
No we celebrate the lads winning a game and a trophy,chuffed because they are proud of themselves and what makes them happy makes me happy in that regard,i don't have to like the competition to feel proud of them
Embrace the football boo the jingle, I'll always get behind City but uefa can go fuck themselves

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